作者 : Ed Tittel
出版日期 : 2003-01-01
ISBN : 7-111-10970-8
定价 : 38.00元
语种 : 英语
页数 : 318
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Shaum's Outlines Computer Networking
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 : 已绝版

(1)Complete coverage of hardware and software involved in networking solutions
(2)Real-World scenarios explained step-by-step
(3)142 review questions
(4)92 solved problems
(5)Perfect for professionals refreshing core concepts


Today, the subject of computer networking embraces all ever-increasing body of knowledge. It spans a broad range of functions and capabilities, form the basic kinds of signaling and circuitry used to permit computers to exchange data, to the kinds of cables or wireless broadcast techniques used to transport data from sender to receiver.
  Networking also embraces various sets of rules for communication between sender and receiver at various abstract levels of data exchange. These range from. simple, limited streams of bits used to ferry data from a sender to a receiver, to various schemes for identifying, addressing, routing, and handling messages as they travel across various types of networking media. Likewise, protocols also apply to the kinds of services or activities that motivate data transmission across a network, be it to exchange e-mail messages, access remote files or file systems, access distributed databases of many kinds, and even to manage and monitor the behavior and characteristics of the network that enable such communication to occur.
  At first learning about networking involves mastering basic terminology and concepts. One a basic vocabulary is in place, it's a truism that the monolithic "big problem" of networking is best understood by breaking it down into a set of well-separated and mutually interdependent tasks and technologies. At this stage of learning, it's essential to understand various models for networking such as the International Standards Organization's Open Systems interconnect (ISO/OSI) Network Reference model, as well as other models related to specific types of networking protocols. Likewise, important networking standards and technologies must also be digested and understood.
  With a working understanding of how solving the problems inherent in networking depends on understanding how networking can be decomposed into a layered set of related but technically and terminologically distinct) layers, it's possible to begin digging into some of the details involved in making networks really work. At this point, information about network naming and addressing schemes, network routing models and behaviors, and networked applications and services will begin to make sense. Thus, this represents the kind of developmental and evolutionary model that drives this book, and most of the networking textbooks, which this book seeks to supplement.
  All students come to technical subject with greater or lesser degrees of knowledge and understanding. Some may have to work harder to master basic concepts and vocabulary than others; likewise, some may have to spend more time and effort decoding and absorbing the structures and functions of the various networking models explored here. But all readers will benefit from the following networking resources online, no matter what their prior knowledge and backgrounds might be:
  l. For good basic descriptions of terminologies and technologies, please visit www. what is . com; this site provides encyclopedic listings for information technology terms, including most networking terms you'll encounter in this book and its companion texts.
  2. For more detailed tutorials and overviews of general networking topics, tools, and technologies, please visit www . techfest . com; this site provides ample coverage of a broad range of networking topics from local area networks (LANs) to network cabling and management.
  3. For middling levels of detail and information, and pointers to additional resources on networking terms and concepts, please visit www . techweb . com/encyclopedia.
  Other networking resources and information is widely available on the Internet.
  Don't neglect to use your favorite search engines, such as Yahoo, Google, AskJeeves, AltaVista, and so forth, to find more information on topics where you might benefit from additional detail.


CHAPTER 1 Data Communications
Encoding and Decoding
Error Detection and Recovery
Flow Control
Sliding Window
Congestion Management

CHAPTER 2 Communications Networks
Introduction to Networking
Network Components
Network Topologies

CHAPTER 3 Network Technologies
Local Area Network Technologies
Wide Area Network Technologies
Wireless Networks

CHAPTER 4 Multiple Access
Design Issues
Implementation Issues
Performance Considerations
Base Technology
Centralized Access
Distributed Access
Hardware Addressing

CHAPTER 5 Switching
Circuit Switching
Packet Switching
Switching Fabric
Integrating Switches and Hubs
Integrating Switches and Routers

CHAPTER 6 Naming and Addressing
Hierarchical Naming
Name Resolution

CHAPTER 7 Routing
Routing Information
Routing Protocols
Hierarchical Routing
Multicast Routing

CHAPTER 8 Services and Applications
File Transfer Protocol
Domain Name System
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Simple Network Management Protocol
Electronic Mail
World Wide Web
RPC and Middleware

CHAPTER 9 Security
IP Security
Web Security
E-mail Security
Threats (Revisited and Updated)

Appendix A Glossary
Appendix B Online Internet and Networking Standards
Appendix C Binary Arithmetic and IP Address Calculation
Appendix D Bibliography

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