作者 : Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 1999-03-01
ISBN : 7-111-06710-X
定价 : 65.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 822
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Database System Concepts
原出版社: McGraw-Hill
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 : 已绝版

This acclaimed revision of a classic database systems text offers a complete background in the basics of database design, languages, and system implementation. It provides the latest information combined with real-world examples to help readers master concepts. All concepts are presented in a technically complete yet easy-to-understand style with notations kept to a minimum. A running example of a bank enterprise illustrates concepts at work. To further optimize comprehension, figures and examples, rather than proofs, portray concepts and anticipate results


Abraham Silberschatz,纽约州立大学石溪分校博士。现任朗讯公司贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心主任。他曾任德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校计算机科学系教授。Silberschatz博士是一位一流的研究者、教育者和著作者。他的研究方向包括数据库系统、操作系统和分布式系统。。他还是《操作系统概念》教科书的作者之一。Siberschatz博士是ACM会员。 Henry F. Korth,普林斯顿大学博士,现为朗讯公司贝尔实验室的技术人员。 他的研究方向包括事物处理、移动计算、实时数据库系统以及并行计算机和分布式计算。他是“CAD事务模型”一文的作者之一,该论文在1995年的超大型数据库国际会议上被选为“10年前的会议论文集中最有影响的文章”。
S. Sudarshan,威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校博士,现任孟买印度理工学院计算机科学与工程系助理教授。他的研究方向包括查询处理、演绎数据库、主存数据库和故障恢复。


Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Korth,S.Sudarshan:Abraham Silberschatz: 在纽约州立大学石溪分校获得博士学位,现任新泽西州Murray Hill贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心副主席,ACM和额IEEE会员。他的研究方向包括操作系统、数据库和分布式操作系统。著有《操作系统概念》、《数据库系统概念》等。
Henry F.Korth: 于普林斯顿大学获得博士学位,现为美国里海大学教授,曾任贝尔实验室信息科学研究中心数据库原理研究室主任,ACM会员和IEEE高级成员。他的研究方向包括高性能数据库系统、实时数据库系统和XML数据库。
S.Sudarshan: 于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校获得博士学位,现任印度理工学院(孟买)计算机科学与工程系副教授。他曾是AT&T贝尔实验室的技术人员。他的研究方向包括查询处理和优化、故障恢复和主存数据库。


1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of Database Systems
1.2 View of Data
1.3 Data Models
1.4 Database Languages
1.5 Transaction Management
1.6 Storage Management
1.7 Database Administrator
1.8 Database Users
1.9 Overall System Structure
1.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
2 Entity-Relationship Model
2.1 Basic Concepts
2.2 Design Issues
2.3 Mapping Constraints
2.4 Keys
2.5 Entity-Relationship Diagram
2.6 Weak Entity Sets
2.7 Extended E-R Features
2.8 Design of an E-R Database Schema
2.9 Reduction of an E-R Schema to Tables
2. 10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
3 Relational Model
3.1 Structure of Relational Databases
3.2 The Relational Algebra
3.3 The Tuple Relational Calculus
3.4 The Domain Relational Calculus
3.5 Extended Relational-Algebra Operations
3.6 Modification of the Database
3.8 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
4.1 Background
4.2 Basic Structure
4.3 Set Operations
4.4 Aggregate Functions
4.5 Null Values
4.6 Nested Subqueries
4.7 Derived Relations
4.9 Modification Of the Database
4.10 Joined Relations
4.11 Data-Definition Language
4.12 Embedded SQL
4.13 Other SQL Features
4.14 Summary
Bibliog raphic Notes
5 Other Relational Languages
5.1 Query-by -Example
5.2 Quel
5.3 Datalog
5.4 Summary
Bibliog raphic Notes
6 Integrity Constraints
6.1 Domain Constraints
6.2 Referential Integrity
6 . 3 Assertions
6 . 4 Triggers
6.5 Functional Dependencies
6.6 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
7 Relational Database Design
7.1 Pitfalls in Relational -Database Design
7.2 Decomposition
7.3 Normalization Using Functional Dependencies
7.4 Normalization Using Multivalued Dependencies
7.5 Normalization Using Join Dependencies
7.6 Domain-Key Normal Form
7.7 Alternative Approaches to Database Design
7.8 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
8 Object-Oriented Databases
8.1 New Database Applications
8.2 The Object-Oriented Data Model
8.3 Object-Oriented Languages
8.4 Persistent Programming Languages
8.5 Persistent C++ Systems
8.6 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
9 Object-Relational Databases
9.1 Nested Relations
9.2 Complex Types and Object Orientation
.9.3 Querying with Complex Types
9.4 Creation of Complex Values and Objects
9.5 Comparison of Object-Oriented and Object-Relational Databases
9.6 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
10 Storage and File Structure
10.1 Overview of Physical Storage Media
10.2 Magnetic Disks
10.3 RAID
10.4 Tertiary Storage
10.5 Storage Access
10.6 File Organization
10.7 Organization of Records in Files
10.8 Data-Dictionary Storage
10.9 Storage Structures for Object-Oriented Databases
10.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
11 Indexing and Hashing
11. 1 Basic Concepts
11.2 Ordered Indices
11.3 B+-Tree Index Files
11.4 B-Tree Index Files
11.5 Static Hashing
11.6 Dynamic Hashing
11.7 Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing
11.8 Index Definition in SQL
11.9 Multiple-Key Access
11.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
12 Query Processing
12.1 Overview
12.2 Catalog Information for Cost Estimation
12.3 Measures of Query Cost
12.4 Selection Operation
12.5 Sorting
12.6 Join Operation
12.7 Other Operations
12.8 Evaluation of Expressions
12.9 Transformation of Relational Expressions
12.10 Choice of Evaluation Plans
12.11 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
13 Transactions
13.1 Transaction Concept
13.2 Transaction State
13.3 Implementation of Atomicity and Durability
13.4 Concurrent Executions
13.5 Serializability
13.6 Recoverability
13.7 Implementation of Isolation
13.8 Transaction Definition in SQL
13.9 Testing for Serializability
13.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
14 Concurrencv Control
14.1 Lock-Based Protocols
14.2 Timestamp-Based Protocols
14.3 Validation-Based Protocols
14.4 Multiple Granularity
14.5 Multiversion Schemes
14.6 Deadlock Handling
14.7 Insert and Delete Operations
14.8 Concurrency in Index Structures
14.9 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
15 Recovery System
15.1 Failure Classification
15.2 Storage Structure
15.3 Recovery and Atomicity
15.4 Log-Based Recovery
15.5 Shadow Paging
15.6 Recovery with Concurrent Transactions
15.7 Buffer Management
15.8 Failure with Loss of Nonvolatile Storage
15.9 Advanced Recovery Techniques
15.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
16 Database System Architectures
16.1 Centralized Systems
16.2 Client-Server Systems
16.3 Parallel Systems
16.4 Distributed Systems
16.5 Network Types
16.6 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
17 Parallel Databases
17.1 Introduction
17.2 I/O Parallelism
17.3 Interquery Parallelism
17.4 Intraquery Parallelism
17.5 Intraoperation Parallelism
17.6 Interoperation Parallelism
17.7 Design of Parallel Systems
17.8 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
18 Distributed Databases
18.1 Distributed Data Storage
18.2 Network Transparency
18.3 Distributed Query Processing
18.4 Distributed Transaction Model
18.5 Commit Protocols
18.6 Coordinator Selection
18.7 Concurrency Control
18.8 Deadlock Handling
18.9 Multidatabase Systems
18.10 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
19 Special Topics
19.1 Security and Integrity
19.2 Standardization
19.3 Performance Benchmarks
19.4 Performance Tuning
19.5 Time in Databases
19.6 User Interfaces
19.7 Active Databases
19.8 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
20 Advanced Transaction Processing
20.1 Remote Backup Systems
20.2 Transaction-Processing Monitors
20.3 High -Performance Transaction Systems
20.4 Long-Duration Transactions
20.5 Real-Time Transaction Systems
20.6 Weak Levels of Consistency
20.7 Transactional Workflows
20.8 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
21 New Applications
21.1 Decision-Support Systems
21.2 Data Analysis
21.3 Data Mining
21.4 Data Warehousing
21.5 Spatial and Geographic Databases
21.6 Multimedia Databases
21.7 Mobility and Personal Databases
21.8 Information-Retrieval Systems
21.9 Distributed Information Systems
21.10 The World Wide Web
21.11 Summary
Bibliographic Notes
A Network Model
A. I Basic Concepts
A.2 Data-Structure Diagrams
A.4 Implementation Techniques
A.5 Discussion
B Hierarchical Model
B.1 Basic Concepts
B.2 Tree-Structure Diagrams
B.3 Implementation Techniques
B.4 The IMS Database System
B.5 Discussion

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