
作者 : 陈向群
译者 :
出版日期 : 2009-02-16
ISBN : 7-111-14402-1
定价 : 33.00元
语种 : 简体中文
页数 : 261
开本 : 16开
原书名 :
属性分类: 店面
包含CD :
绝版 : 未绝版



“Solaris Operating System Experiment Guide”publication is a matter that deserves to be celebrated.
  Solaris as the UNIX system, an important family of modern operating systems for enterprises and governments that has evolved since 1982 into a large scale, reliable and secure tool. Solaris / OpenSolaris provides the ability of end users to create database applications, web servers, high performance computing systems that are not possible with other systems.
  Sun Microsystems Inc recognizes the value of the Solaris pedigree and has released the design and millions of lines of code itself to promote the open source philosophy and practice. Similar to Linux, the Solaris / OpenSolaris open-source operating system has become an important global technology. This operating system and its source allows people to learn and understand the principle and technique of the operating system, you can share a common technology platform, and attracted widespread attention and praise. This book will guide readers through a series of experiments to better understanding and mastery of Solaris / OpenSolaris operating system Experimental Course.
  Operating system as the system software, a certain point of view of various software systems, is one of the most complex. For those who study the operating system, it is necessary to grasp and understand the best way to an operating system, that is, through practice and the specific operation; for those who carried out in the operating system software development staff, the way this practice is also indispensable ; and for those directly involved in operating systems research, design and development personnel, through experiments to further understanding of Solaris / OpenSolaris internal structure and design techniques, of course, is meaningful.
  Operating system in the entire computer system and control plays a central role, is the basis of the entire computer system and the hub of a software system based on software. Basic software is the cornerstone of the software industry, software industry is the main core competitiveness. Basic software of its basic it is directly reflected in the application software development and operation of the foundation; the key lies in the national information infrastructure software is the key to the protection of security.
  Software industry is the core of information technology, as China誷 software industry development, as well as building an innovation-oriented countries in the process, the need for more talented people to understand and grasp the software operating system誷 core technology, in order to better application for the computer-depth development services, to strengthen China誷 ability to innovate the field of software services. Thus, the training of a large number of advanced operating system to master the internal structure and the principle of technical personnel, to become the basis for upgrading the software in the field of China誷 capability of independent innovation as an effective measure.
Operating Systems are about enabling applications. From simple to complex, these applications need to be observed, threaded and scheduled. Applications need to use and control its resources, communicate with others and store its information. Solaris / OpenSolaris, through its source code will be able to demonstrate how to provide the applications the support they need to get their job done.
To participate in 襍olaris operating system, the experimental curriculum,?a book prepared by the authors are engaged in domestic universities in the operating system of teaching and research work of teachers. In the process of preparing the book, they not only read and studied the Solaris / OpenSolaris operating system kernel source code, and Sun Microsystems Inc. and had the China Engineering Institute誷 support, but also conducted a pilot project related to the development and courseware the design work. It can be said that this book is also China誷 higher education teaching and research experience in technology research and development for multinational companies in the fruits of integration.
I believe and hope that 襍olaris operating system, the experimental curriculum,觓 book published in the operating system for China誷 higher education reform and teaching practice and training play a useful role.

  James Hughes 裘剑一
  Sun Fellow, Solaris CTO

  James Hughes,Sun公司院士,副总裁,任Solaris操作系统部门的首席技术官。James是存储安全领域公认的专家,他能够影响当前企业普遍采用的Solaris操作系统的未来技术发展方向。同时,他也是国际电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)存储安全工作组的主席,负责定义存储加密,并任IEEE存储安全工作室主席。James曾就职于StorageTek、Network Systems以及Control Data等公司,在存储和网络构建领域拥有超过33年的工作经验。





第1章  Solaris概述 1
1.1  Solaris操作系统 1
1.2  Solaris 10的新特性 2
1.3  OpenSolaris 2
1.4  本书主要内容介绍 3
第2章  Solaris中的主要观察工具mdb、
DTrace、p-tools 6
2.1  模块调试器mdb 6
2.1.1  调用和退出mdb 6
2.1.2  dcmd、walker、dmod及在线帮助 7
2.1.3  mdb基本语法、管道和格式控制字 10
2.1.4  mdb使用实例 14
2.1.5  常用的mdb命令 16
2.1.6  mdb中的遍历命令 18
2.1.7  mdb的参考资料 20
2.2  DTrace 20
2.2.1  DTrace的probe 21
2.2.2  DTrace的断言 22
2.2.3  DTrace的行动 22
2.2.4  聚集函数 23
2.2.5  DTrace的权限 24
2.2.6  用DTrace观察某个进程 25
2.3  proc工具p-tools 25
第3章  进程和线程 28
3.1  概述 28
3.2  实验1:多线程模型 28
3.2.1  实验内容及目的 28
3.2.2  预备知识 28
3.2.3  实验步骤 30
3.3  实验2:进程创建 43
3.3.1  实验内容及目的 43
3.3.2  预备知识 43
3.3.3  实验步骤 44
3.4  思考题 54
第4章  线程调度 55
4.1  概述 55
4.2  实验1:静态跟踪Solaris线程状态 55
4.2.1  实验内容及目的 55
4.2.2  预备知识 55
4.2.3  实验步骤 58
4.3  实验2:用DTrace脚本跟踪指定的
线程状态变化 63
4.3.1  实验内容及目的 63
4.3.2  预备知识 63
4.3.3  实验步骤 65
4.4  实验3:用DTrace脚本跟踪指定进
程的执行过程 73
4.4.1  实验内容及目的 73
4.4.2  预备知识 73
4.4.3  实验步骤 73
第5章  进程间通信(IPC) 80
5.1  概述 80
5.2  实验1:管道及命名管道 80
5.2.1  实验内容及目的 80
5.2.2  预备知识 81
5.2.3  实验步骤 81
5.3  实验2:消息队列 88
5.3.1  实验内容及目的 88
5.3.2  预备知识 88
5.3.3  实验步骤 90
5.4  实验3:Solaris共享内存 93
5.4.1  实验内容及目的 93
5.4.2  预备知识 94
5.4.3  实验步骤 95
5.5  实验4:门IPC 100
5.5.1  实验内容及目的 100
5.5.2  预备知识 101
5.5.3  实验步骤 102
5.6  本章小结 110
5.7  思考题 110
第6章  加锁与同步 113
6.1  概述 113
6.2  实验1:通过plockstat观察互斥锁 113
6.2.1  实验内容及目的 113
6.2.2  预备知识 113
6.2.3  实验步骤 113
6.2.4  实验结论 115
6.3  实验2:单线程与多线程对互斥
量操作的区别 115
6.3.1  实验内容及目的 115
6.3.2  预备知识 115
6.3.3  实验步骤 116
6.4  实验3:多线程对互斥量的操作 120
6.4.1  实验内容及目的 120
6.4.2  预备知识 120
6.4.3  实验步骤 120
6.5  思考题 132
第7章  虚拟内存 133
7.1  概述 133
7.2  实验1:应用程序在内存中的布局 133
7.2.1  实验内容及目的 133
7.2.2  预备知识 133
7.2.3  实验步骤 134
7.3  实验2:段到文件的映射 139
7.3.1  实验内容及目的 139
7.3.2  预备知识 140
7.3.3  实验步骤 140
7.4  实验3:mmap 143
7.4.1  实验内容及目的 143
7.4.2  预备知识 143
7.4.3  实验步骤 144
7.5  实验4:页面错误 148
7.5.1  实验内容及目的 148
7.5.2  预备知识 148
7.5.3  实验步骤 148
7.6  实验5:堆和栈 157
7.6.1  实验内容及目的 157
7.6.2  预备知识 157
7.6.3  实验步骤 157
7.7  实验6:Copy-On-Write 170
7.7.1  实验内容及目的 170
7.7.2  预备知识 170
7.7.3  实验步骤 171
7.8  思考题 178
第8章  物理内存 179
8.1  概述 179
8.2  实验1:虚地址到物理地址的变换 179
8.2.1  实验内容及目的 179
8.2.2  预备知识 179
8.2.3  实验步骤 181
8.3  实验2:物理页面到地址空间的映射 184
8.3.1  实验内容及目的 184
8.3.2  预备知识 184
8.3.3  实验步骤 185
8.4  实验3:物理页面生命周期 188
8.4.1  实验内容及目的 188
8.4.2  预备知识 188
8.4.3  实验步骤 189
8.5  思考题 199
第9章  文件系统 200
9.1  概述 200
9.2  实验1:Vnode和Inode数据结构 200
9.2.1  实验内容及目的 200
9.2.2  预备知识 200
9.2.3  实验步骤 201
9.3  实验2:观察VFS文件系统缓存 204
9.3.1  实验内容及目的 204
9.3.2  预备知识 204
9.3.3  实验步骤 205
9.4  实验3:观察UFS的文件数据在磁盘
上的组织方式 207
9.4.1  实验内容及目的 207
9.4.2  预备知识 207
9.4.3  实验代码概述 208
9.4.4  实验步骤 210
9.5  实验4:观察ZFS的文件数据在磁盘
上的组织方式 214
9.5.1  实验内容及目的 214
9.5.2  预备知识 214
9.5.3  实验步骤 219
第10章  设备驱动程序 229
10.1  概述 229
10.2  Solaris设备驱动程序 229
10.2.1  设备文件与设备文件系统 230
10.2.2  DDI/DKI 230
10.2.3  设备驱动程序的核心数据结构 231
10.2.4  驱动程序软状态管理 233
10.3  实验1:字符设备驱动程序mypipe 234
10.3.1  实验内容及目的 234
10.3.2  预备知识 234
10.3.3  实验步骤 239
10.4  实验2:块设备驱动程序myramdisk 249
10.4.1  概述 249
10.4.2  预备知识 249
10.4.3  实验步骤 252
10.5  思考题 260
参考文献 261

作者: 主编:王瑞民副主编:史国华 李娜参编(按姓氏笔画顺序):杨姣 宋伟 高淼 龚玉猛
作者: [美] 威廉·斯托林斯(William Stallings)[澳] 劳里·布朗(Lawrie Brown) 著
作者: 何炎祥 刘陶 著
作者: 桂小林 编著
作者: [美] 克林特 E.博顿金(Clint E.Bodungen) 布莱恩 L.辛格(Bryan L.Singer)亚伦·施比卜(Aaron Shbeeb) 凯尔·威尔霍伊特(Kyle Wilhoit) 斯蒂芬·希尔特(Stephen Hilt) 著
作者: (美)Drew Simonis 等
作者: ChaMd5安全团队 著
作者: (美)Anton A. Chuvakin,Kevin J. Schmidt,Christopher Phillips著