
作者 : Daniel Galin
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2005-07-29
ISBN : 7-111-16787-2
定价 : 69.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 590
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Software Quality Assurance
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 店面
包含CD :
绝版 : 未绝版

随着软件系统越来越复杂与集成化,软件质量保证 (SQA) 对于软件与电子工业日益重要。本书是作者多年咨询和教学经验的产物,全面覆盖了IS0 90003的要求,还提供了ASQ (美国质量协会) CSQE (认证软件质量工程师) 所需的知识,旨在指导面对SQA挑战的三类读者:高校学生、培训课程学员和软件开发与维护的实践人员/专业人员。

  ●最新主题。覆盖的问题有:自动测试、计算机化SQA工具与国际标准 (例如IS0 9000?3) 。



Daniel Galin:Daniel Galin: Daniel Galin博士在以色列海法市的以色列工学院Technion工业与管理工程系获得工业与管理工程学士学位和运筹学的硕士与博士学位。他在Ruppin学术中心工作,现在是Ruppin学术中心信息系统研究部的负责人.除发表了许多论文之外,他还是有关信息系统的分析与设计的几本书的作者,并同Z. Bluvband博士用希伯来语合写了有关软件质量保证的专著。他的职业经历包括许多软件质量保证咨询项目以及为重要的以色列公司进行信息系统的设计。


PartI: Introduction
Ch. 1: The Software Quality Challenge..
Ch. 2: What is Software Quality
Ch. 3: Software Quality Factors
Ch. 4: The Components of the Software Quality Assurance
System - Overview.
Part II: Pre-Project Software Quality Components
Ch. 5: Contract Review
Ch. 6: Development and Quality Plans
Part III: SQA Components in the Project Life Cycle
Ch. 7: Integrating Quality Activities in the Project Life Cycle
Ch. 8: Reviews
Ch. 9: Software Testing - Strategies
Ch. 10: Software Testing - Implementation
Ch. 11: Assuring The Quality of Software Maintenance
Ch. 12: Assuring The Quality of External Participants' Parts
Ch. 13: Case Tools and their Affect on Software Quality.
Part IV: Software Quality Infrastructure Components
Ch. 14: Procedures and Work Instructions.
Ch. 15: Supporting Quality Devices
Ch. 16: Staff Training, Instructing and Certification.
Ch. 17: Preventive and Corrective Actions.
Ch. 18: Configuration Management
Ch. 19: Documentation and Quality Records Controls.
PART V:  Softwre Quality Management Components
Ch. 20:  Project Progress Control
Ch. 21: Software Quality Metrics
Ch. 22:  Software Quality Costs
PART VI: Standards, Certification and Assessment
Ch. 23: SQA Standards
Ch. 24: ISO 9001 Certification
Ch. 25:  Software Process Assessment
PART VII: Organizing for Quality Assurance
Ch. 26: Management and its Role in Quality Assurance
Ch. 27: The Software Quality Assurance Unit.
Ch. 28: SQA Trustees and Committees
EPILOGUE: The Future of SQA
The Future of SQA: Challenges.
The Future of SQA: Tools for Overcoming the Challenges

作者: 李龙澍 郑诚 主编 杨为民 李学俊 程凡 姚晟 编著
作者: 毋国庆 梁正平 袁梦霆 李勇华
作者: 吕云翔 王洋 王昕鹏 编著
作者: 窦万峰
作者: (美)Donald G. Firesmith 著
作者: Peter Coad, Eric Lefebvre, Jeff De Luca
作者: (美) Dorian Pyle