作者 : (美)菲利普·科特勒(Philip Kotler)西北大学(美)加里·阿姆斯特朗(Gary Armstrong)北卡罗来纳大学(新)洪瑞云(Swee Hoon Ang)新加坡国立大学(新)梁绍明(Siew Meng Leong)新加坡国立大学(新)陈振忠(Chin Tiong Tan)新加坡管理大学(中)游汉明(Oliver Yau Hon-Ming)香港城市大学著
出版日期 : 2012-05-10
ISBN : 978-7-111-38252-2
适用人群 : 高等院校营销专业本科生、研究生、MBA学员及教师
定价 : 79.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 678
开本 : 16
原书名 : Principles of Marketing:A Global Perspective
原出版社: Pearson Education
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 :



Principles of Marketing
A Global Perspective
(美) 菲利普·科特勒 (Philip Kotler)
(美) 加里·阿姆斯特朗 (Gary Armstrong)
(新) 洪瑞云 (Swee Hoon Ang)  梁绍明 (Siew Meng Leong)
(新) 陈振忠 (Chin Tiong Tan) 
(中) 游汉明 (Oliver Yau Hon-Ming)



  ◆ 新编第14章指明了当今整合营销传播模型的转变。说明了现在营销人员如何添加新时代的媒介主体—从交互电视和互联网到iPod和手机,来接近目标顾客,提供更多个人化信息。
  ◆ 广告和公共关系在第15章被合并在一起,还包括关于结合广告和娱乐来突破混乱的环境、广告回报以及其他重要话题的新论述。重构的第16章把人员销售和促销合并到了一起。
  ◆ 新编第17章重点关注直接营销与其快速成长的左膀右臂—在线营销。本章还包括新型数字化营销技术的组成部分,例如手机营销、播客以及交互电视。
   耐克“Just do it”的营销战略已经成熟,因为耐克已经从受人质疑到现在为公众所认可。
  还要特别感谢香港公开大学的Ada Lau和Raymond Chow博士,香港城市大学的John Leung博士,以及他们协助配合第13、第14、第15、第16和第19章的案例研究。
  培生新加坡公司的员工们也应得到赞扬,是他们使本书最终成型。我们还要感谢Peggy Su付出的心血,他为本书做了很多增补工作。我们也很感激下列导师为本书提供的宝贵思想:
  Dr. Malliga Marimuthu,School of Management,Universiti Sains Malaysia
  Leo Leung,Department of Marketing and International Business,Lingnan University
  Bandai America
  Bartle Bogle Hegarty Singapore
  Billabong-Peter Thew,Sharmin Lee
  Essilor-Sim Peng Tak
  Lawrence Ang Swee Leng
  QB House
  Seng Choon Farm Pte Ltd
  Singapore Airlines-Grece Chak,Vernon Lim
  Singapore Zoo-Fanny Lai,Frederic Eng
  The Nielsen Corporation
  Young & Rubicam Singapore






作者:菲利普?科特勒(Philip Kotler)


第1章 市场营销:管理盈利性客户关系 3
1.1 什么是营销 4
1.2 了解市场和客户需要 5
1.3 制定顾客导向的市场营销战略 8
1.4 准备一项整合营销计划和项目 11
1.5建立客户关系 12
1.6从顾客中获取价值 16
1.7营销新图景 20
1.8 什么是营销?把所有的整合起来 22
第2章 公司和营销战略:合作建立客户关系 31
2.1 公司战略规划:定义营销的作用 32
2.2 规划营销:协作建立客户关系 41
2.3营销战略和营销组合 43
2.4管理营销活动 47
2.5衡量和管理营销投资回报率 51
第3章营销环境 59
3.1公司的微观环境 61
3.2公司的宏观环境 63
3.3对营销环境做出反应 76
第4章管理营销信息 85
4.1评估营销信息需求 87
4.2开发营销信息 88
4.3营销调研 89
4.4营销信息分析 100
4.5营销信息传播和使用 104
4.6营销信息的其他问题 104
第5章 消费者市场和消费者行为 115
5.1消费者行为模式 117
5.2影响消费者行为的特征 117
5.3购买决策行为的类型 128
5.4购买决策过程 130
5.5新产品的购买过程 134
5.6跨国界的消费者行为 138
第6章 商业市场和商业购买者行为 145
6.1商业市场 146
6.2商业购买者行为 149
6.3公共机构和政府市场 157
第7章 顾客驱动的营销策略:为目标客户创造价值 165
7.1市场细分 166
7.2目标营销 175
7.3差异化与定位 183
第8章产品、服务和品牌战略 199
8.1什么是产品 200
8.2产品和服务决策 205
8.3品牌战略:建立强大的品牌 211
8.4服务营销 218
第9章 新产品开发和产品生命周期战略 231
9.1新产品开发战略 233
9.2新产品开发流程 233
9.3组织新产品开发 241
9.4产品生命周期战略 244
9.5产品和服务的额外考虑 250
第10章 产品定价:了解和获取顾客价值 259
10.1价格是什么 260
10.2定价的考虑因素 261
第11章产品定价:价格战略 281
11.1新产品定价战略 282
11.2产品组合定价战略 284
11.3价格调整战略 286
11.4价格反应战略 294
11.5公共政策与定价 297
第12章 营销渠道和供应链管理 305
12.1供应链与价值传递网络 307
12.2营销渠道的特性及重要性 307
12.3渠道行为与组织 310
12.4渠道设计决策 315
12.5渠道管理决策 319
12.6公共政策与分销决策 320
12.7市场物流和供应链管理 321
第13章零售与批发 335
13.1零售 336
13.2批发 354
第14章 传播顾客价值:整合营销传播战略 367
14.1促销组合 368
14.2整合营销传播 369
14.3传播过程概述 373
14.4开发有效营销传播的步骤 374
14.5确定总促销预算及组合 384
14.6营销传播的社会责任 389
第15章广告和公共关系 399
15.1广告 400
15.2公共关系 416
第16章人员销售和销售促进 429
16.1人员销售 430
16.2管理销售队伍 432
16.3销售人员的督导和激励 440
16.4人员销售的过程 443
16.5销售促进 446
第17章 直销和在线营销:建立直接的客户关系 461
17.1直接营销的新模式 463
17.2直接营销的优势和发展 463
17.3客户数据库和直接营销 467
17.4直接营销的形式 467
17.5在线营销 473
17.6整合直接营销 486
17.7与直接营销相关的公共政策问题 487
第18章创造竞争优势 495
18.1竞争者分析 496
18.2竞争战略 502
18.3 在顾客导向和竞争者导向中寻求平衡 512
第19章全球市场 521
19.1全球营销 522
19.2考察全球营销环境 523
19.3决定是否进行国际化 530
19.4决定进入哪些市场 531
19.5决定如何进入这些市场 531
19.6决定全球营销组合 535
19.7决定全球营销组织 543
第20章 营销道德规范与社会责任 551
20.1社会对于营销的批评 552
20.2公民与公众规范营销的行为 559
20.3对社会责任营销的商业行动 563
附录A 营销计划 577
附录B营销算术 587
附录C市场营销职业生涯 607
参考文献 619
术语表 641
Part 1Defining Marketing and the Marketing Process
Chapter 1Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships  3
What Is Marketing 4
Marketing Defined5The Marketing Process5
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs5
Customer Needs, Wants, and Demands5Market Offerings桺roducts, Services, and Experiences6Customer Value and Satisfaction6Exchanges and Relationships7Markets7
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy8
Selecting Customers to Serve8Choosing a Value Proposition8Marketing Management Orientations9
Preparing an Integrated Marketing Plan and Program11
Building Customer Relationships12
Customer Relationship Management12The Changing Nature of Customer Relationships14 Partner Relationship Management15
Capturing Value from Customers16
Creating Customer Loyalty and Retention16Growing Share of Customer17Building Customer Equity17
The New Marketing Landscape20
The New Digital Age20Rapid Globalization20The Call for More Ethics and Social Responsibility21The Growth of Not-for-Profit Marketing21
So, What Is Marketing Pulling It All Together22
Reviewing the Concepts24Reviewing the Key Terms25Discussing the Concepts 25Applying the Concepts25Focus on Technology26Focus on Ethics26
Video Case: Dunkin. Donuts26
Company Case: Build-A-Bear: Build-A-Memory27
Chapter 2Company and Marketing Strategy: artnering to Build Customer Relationships  31
Companywide Strategic Planning: Defining Marketing抯 Role32
Defining a Market-Oriented Mission33Setting Company Objectives and Goals34Designing the Business Portfolio35
Planning Marketing: Partnering to Build Customer Relationships41
Partnering with Other Company Departments41Partnering with Others in the Marketing System42
Marketing Strategy and the Marketing Mix43
Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy44Developing an Integrated Marketing Mix46
Managing the Marketing Effort47
Marketing Analysis47Marketing
Department Organization49
Marketing Control50
Measuring and Managing Return on Marketing Investment51
Reviewing the Concepts53Reviewing the Key Terms54Discussing the Concepts54Applying the Concepts54Focus on Technology55Focus on Ethics55
Video Case: Harley-Davidson55
Company Case: Red Bull: Charging Into the Future56
Part 2Understanding the Marketplace and Consumers

Chapter 3The Marketing Environment  59
The Company抯 Microenvironment61
The Company61Suppliers61Marketing Intermediaries61Customers62 Competitors62Publics62
The Company抯 Macroenvironment63
Demographic Environment63Economic Environment67Natural Environment70 Technological Environment71Political Environment72Cultural Environment74
Responding to the Marketing Environment76
Reviewing the Concepts77Reviewing the Key Terms78Discussing the Concepts78Applying the Concepts78Focus on Technology79Focus on Ethics79
Video Case: American Express79
Company Case: Toyota Prius: Leading a Wave of Hybrids80
Chapter 4Managing Marketing Information  85
Assessing Marketing Information Needs87
Developing Marketing Information88
Internal Data88 Marketing Intelligence88
Marketing Research89
Defining the Problem and Research Objectives90 Developing the Research Plan90 Gathering Secondary Data91Primary Data Collection92 Implementing the Research Plan99 Interpreting and Reporting the Findings100
Analyzing Marketing Information100
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)100
Distributing and Using Marketing Information104
Other Marketing Information Considerations104
Marketing Research in Small Businesses and Nonprofit Organizations105International Marketing Research105Public Policy and Ethics in Marketing Research107Reviewing the Concepts108Reviewing the Key Terms109 Discussing the Concepts109Applying the Concepts109Focus on Technology110Focus on Ethics110
Video Case: Burke110
Company Case: Harley Davidson: Improving Quality111
Chapter 5Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior  115
Model of Consumer Behavior117
Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior117
Cultural Factors118Social Factors119Personal Factors122Psychological Factors125
Types of Buying Decision Behavior128
Complex Buying Behavior129Dissonance-Reducing Buying Behavior129Habitual Buying Behavior129Variety-Seeking Buying Behavior130
The Buyer Decision Process130
Need Recognition131Information Search131 Evaluation of Alternatives132Purchase Decision132Postpurchase Behavior132
The Buyer Decision Process for New Products134
Stages in the Adoption Process134Individual Differences in Innovativeness134Influence of Product Characteristics on Rate of Adoption135
Consumer Behavior Across International Borders138
Reviewing the Concepts139Reviewing the Key Terms140Discussing the Concepts140Applying the Concepts140Focus on Technology141Focus on Ethics141
Video Case: Wild Planet141
Company Case: Victoria抯 Secret Pink: Keeping the Brand Hot142
Chapter 6Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior  145
Business Markets146
Market Structure and Demand147Nature of the Buying Unit148Types of Decisions and the Decision Process148
Business Buyer Behavior149
Major Types of Buying Situations150Participants in the Business Buying Process151Major Influences on Business Buyers151The Business Buying Process153E-Procurement: Buying on the Internet156
Institutional and Government Markets157
Institutional Markets157Government Markets158Reviewing the Concepts159 Reviewing the Key Terms160Discussing the Concepts160Applying the Concepts160Focus on Technology161Focus on Ethics161
Video Case: Eaton161
Company Case: Kodak: Changing the Picture162
Part 3Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy and Integrated Marketing Mix

Chapter 7Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers  165
Market Segmentation166
Segmenting Consumer Markets167 Segmenting Business Markets172Segmenting International Markets173Requirements for Effective Segmentation174
Market Targeting175
Evaluating Market Segments175Selecting Target Market Segments175Socially Responsible Target Marketing182
Differentiation and Positioning183
Positioning Maps183Choosing a Differentiation and Positioning Strategy184Communicating and Delivering the Chosen Position189Reviewing the Concepts192Reviewing the Key Terms193Discussing the Concepts193Applying the Concepts193Focus on Technology194Focus on Ethics194
Video Case: Procter & Gamble194
Company Case: L扥r閍l: An Image Makeover in India195
Chapter 8Product, Services, and Branding
Strategy  199
What Is a Product 200
Products, Services, and Experiences200Levels of Product and Services200Product and Service Classifications201
Product and Service Decisions205
Individual Product And Service Decisions205 Product Line Decisions208Product Mix Decisions210
Branding Strategy: Building Strong Brands211
Brand Equity211Building Strong Brands212Managing Brands217
Services Marketing218
Nature And Characteristics of A Service218Marketing Strategies for Service Firms219 Reviewing the Concepts225Reviewing the Key Terms226Discussing the Concepts226Applying the Concepts226Focus on Technology227Focus on Ethics227
Video Case: Accenture227
Company Case: Shanghai Tang: China抯 First Great Luxury Brand 228
Chapter 9New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies  231
New-Product Development Strategy233
The New-Product Development Process233
Idea Generation233Idea Screening235 Concept Development and Testing236Marketing Strategy Development237Business Analysis238Product Development238Test Marketing239Commercialization241
Managing New-Product Development241
Customer-Centered New-Product Development242 Team-Based New-Product Development242 Systematic New-Product Development243
Product Life-Cycle Strategies244
Introduction Stage248Growth Stage248 Maturity Stage248Decline Stage250
Additional Product and Service Considerations250
Product Decisions and Social Responsibility250International Product and Services Marketing251Reviewing the Concepts252Reviewing the Key Terms253Discussing the Concepts253Applying the Concepts253Focus on Technology254Focus on Ethics254
Video Case: eGO Bikes254
Company Case: Sony: Betting It All on Blu-Ray255
Chapter 10Pricing Products: Understanding and Capturing Customer Value  259
What Is a Price 260
Factors to Consider When Setting Prices261
Value-Based Pricing261Company and Product Costs263Other Internal and External Considerations Affecting Price Decisions268Reviewing the Concepts274Reviewing the Key Terms275Discussing the Concepts275Applying the Concepts275Focus on Technology276Focus on Ethics276
Video Case: Song276
Company Case: Burger King in Japan: Return of the Whopper277
Chapter 11Pricing Products: Pricing
Strategies  281
New-Product Pricing Strategies282
Market-Skimming Pricing283Market-Penetration Pricing283
Product Mix Pricing Strategies284
Product Line Pricing285Optional-Product Pricing285Captive-Product Pricing285By-Product Pricing286Product Bundle Pricing286
Price-Adjustment Strategies286
Discount and Allowance Pricing287Segmented Pricing287Psychological Pricing288 Promotional Pricing289Geographical Pricing289Dynamic Pricing292International Pricing293
Price Changes294
Initiating Price Changes294Responding to Price Changes296
Public Policy and Pricing297
Pricing Within Channel Levels297Pricing Across Channel Levels298Reviewing the Concepts299 Reviewing the Key Terms300Discussing the Concepts300Applying the Concepts300Focus on Technology301Focus on Ethics301
Video Case: GE301
Company Case: Toys 慠 Us: What Goes Around, Comes Around302
Chapter 12Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management  305
Supply Chains and the Value Delivery Network307
The Nature and Importance of Marketing Channels307
How Channel Members Add Value308Number of Channel Levels309
Channel Behavior and Organization310
Channel Behavior310Vertical Marketing Systems311Horizontal Marketing Systems313Multichannel Distribution Systems313Changing Channel Organization314
Channel Design Decisions315
Analyzing Consumer Needs316Setting Channel Objectives316Identifying Major Alternatives316 Evaluating the Major Alternatives317Designing International Distribution Channels318
Channel Management Decisions319
Selecting Channel Members319Managing and Motivating Channel Members320Evaluating Channel Members320
Public Policy and Distribution Decisions320
Marketing Logistics and Supply Chain Management321
Nature and Importance of Marketing Logistics321 Goals of the Logistics System322Major Logistics Functions322Integrated Logistics Management325Reviewing the Concepts328 Reviewing the Key Terms329Discussing the Concepts329Applying the Concepts329Focus on Technology330Focus on Ethics330
Video Case: Hasbro330
Company Case: Zara: The Technology Giant of the Fashion World       331
Chapter 13Retailing and Wholesaling  335
Types of Retailers337Retailer Marketing Decisions344The Future of Retailing348
Types of Wholesalers355Wholesaler Marketing Decisions357Trends in Wholesaling358 Reviewing the Concepts360Reviewing the Key Terms361Discussing the Concepts361 Applying the Concepts361Focus on Technology362Focus on Ethics362
Video Case: Wellbeing362
Company Case: OldTown Caf A Timeless Meeting Place for Generations 363
Chapter 14Communicating Customer Value: Integrated Marketing Communications Strategy  367
The Promotion Mix368
Integrated Marketing Communications369
The New Marketing Communications Landscape369The Shifting Marketing Communications Model369The Need for Integrated Marketing Communications371
A View of the Communication Process373
Steps in Developing Effective Communication374
Identifying the Target Audience375Determining the Communication Objectives376Designing a Message378Choosing Media380Selecting the Message Source382Collecting Feedback384
Setting the Total Promotion Budget and Mix384
Setting the Total Promotion Budget384Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix386  Integrating the Promotion Mix389
Socially Responsible Marketing Communication389
Advertising and Sales Promotion390Personal Selling392Reviewing the Concepts393 Reviewing the Key Terms394Discussing the Concepts394Applying the Concepts394 Focus on Technology395Focus on Ethics395
Video Case: Motorola395
Company Case: Neptunus Group: Taking on China抯 Healthcare396
Chapter 15Advertising and Public Relations  399
Setting Advertising Objectives401Setting the Advertising Budget402Developing Advertising Strategy402Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness and Return on Advertising Investment412Other Advertising Considerations414
Public Relations416
The Role and Impact of Public Relations418 Major Public Relations Tools419Reviewing the Concepts421Reviewing the Key Terms422 Discussing the Concepts422Applying the Concepts422Focus on Technology423Focus on Ethics423
Video Case: DDB Worldwide423
Company Case: Phoenix Satellite Television: The Use of Public Relations in Promotion424
Chapter 16Personal Selling and Sales
Promotion  429
Personal Selling430
The Nature of Personal Selling430The Role of the Sales Force431
Managing the Sales Force432
Designing Sales Force Strategy and Structure432 Recruiting and Selecting Salespeople435Training Salespeople438Compensating Salespeople439
Supervising and Motivating Salespeople440
Evaluating Salespeople and Sales-Force Performance442
The Personal Selling Process443
Steps in the Selling Process444Personal Selling and Customer Relationship Management446
Sales Promotion446
Rapid Growth of Sales Promotion447Sales Promotion Objectives447Major Sales Promotion Tools448Developing the Sales Promotion Program451Reviewing the Concepts454Reviewing the Key Terms455Discussing the Concepts455Applying the Concepts455 Focus on Technology456Focus on Ethics456
Video Case: Nudie456
Company Case: Face-to-face with Procter & Gamble457
Chapter 17Direct and Online Marketing: Building Direct Customer Relationships  461
The New Direct-Marketing Model463
Growth and Benefits of Direct Marketing463
Benefits to Buyers464  Benefits to Sellers464
Customer Databases and Direct Marketing467
Forms of Direct Marketing467
Direct-Mail Marketing468Catalog Marketing469Telephone Marketing469Direct-Response Television Marketing470Kiosk Marketing471New Digital Direct Marketing Technologies471
Online Marketing473
Marketing and the Internet473Online Marketing Domains474Types of Online Marketers478Setting Up an Online Marketing Presence479The Promise and Challenges of Online Marketing486
Integrated Direct Marketing486
Public Policy Issues in Direct Marketing487
Irritation, Unfairness, Deception, and Fraud487 Invasion of Privacy488 Reviewing the Concepts489Reviewing the Key Terms490Discussing the Concepts490Applying the Concepts490Focus on Technology491Focus on Ethics491
Video Case: NineMSN491
Company Case: Gems TV: Sparkle of Success492
Part 4Extending Marketing

Chapter 18Creating Competitive Advantage  495
Competitor Analysis496
Identifying Competitors496Assessing Competitors498Selecting Competitors to Attack and Avoid500Designing a Competitive Intelligence System501
Competitive Strategies502
Approaches to Marketing Strategy502Basic Competitive Strategies503Competitive Positions506Market Leader Strategies507 Market Challenger Strategies509Market Follower Strategies510Market Nicher Strategies511
Balancing Customer and Competitor Orientations512
Reviewing the Concepts513Reviewing the Key Terms514Discussing the Concepts514 Applying the Concepts514Focus on Technology515Focus on Ethics515
Video Case: Nike515
Company Case: Bose: Competing by Being Truly Different516
Chapter 19The Global Marketplace  521
Global Marketing 522
Looking at the Global Marketing Environment523
The International Trade System523Economic Environment526Political-Legal Environment527Cultural Environment528
Deciding Whether to Go Global530
Deciding Which Markets to Enter531
Deciding How to Enter the Market531
Exporting532Joint Venturing533Direct Investment534
Deciding on the Global Marketing Program535
Product538Promotion538Price539 Distribution Channels542
Deciding on the Global Marketing Organization543
Reviewing the Concepts544Reviewing the Key Terms544Discussing the Concepts545 Applying the Concepts545Focus on Technology546Focus on Ethics546
Video Case: Nivea546
Company Case: Internationalization of the Haier Group547
Chapter 20Marketing Ethics and Social
Responsibility  551
Social Criticisms of Marketing552
Marketing抯 Impact on Individual Consumers552 Marketing抯 Impact on Society557 Marketing抯 Impact on Other Businesses558
Citizen and Public Actions to Regulate Marketing559
Consumerism559Environmentalism560Public Actions to Regulate Marketing563
Business Actions toward Socially Responsible Marketing563
Enlightened Marketing563Marketing Ethics568 Reviewing the Concepts571Reviewing the Key Terms572Discussing the Concepts572Applying the Concepts572Focus on Technology573
Video Case: NFL573
Company Case: Alibaba.com: Shark Attack574
Appendix 1: Marketing Plan 577
Appendix 2: Marketing by the Numbers587
Appendix 3: Careers in Marketing607

作者: 戴安娜.坎威尔
作者: 张梦霞
作者: (美)卡尔 S.沃伦,詹姆斯 M.里夫,菲利普 E.费斯
作者: 主编 张启明 杨龙志
作者: 陈春花
作者: 娄峻峰 等著 内封 娄峻峰 闫肃 杨乐乐 周良硕 耿丽红 古容容 王新安 郭晨钟 著
作者: 付遥 著漫驴工作室 绘图