作者 : Eric S.Roberts
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2004-03-22
ISBN : 7-111-13991-7
定价 : 60.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 736
开本 : 16开
原书名 : The Art and Science of C:A Library Based Introduction to Computer Science
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 :

本书使学生对计算机科学有一个整体的认识,而不只局限于编程,同时强调了软件工程以及好的编程风格的开发。作者采用一种非常吸引人的写作风格,使难的概念更生动、更容易理解。库和抽象对现代程序设计非常重要,而本书的中心正是库和抽象,同时读者还可以学到ANSI C的基础知识。书中采用库方式来简化C语言的复杂性并演示抽象的能力。



Eric S.Roberts:Eric S.Roberts: 斯坦福大学计算机科学系教授,主管教学的系副主任。他由于教学改革的成就获得Charles Simonyi荣誉教授。Roberts于1980年获哈佛大学应用数学博士学位,其后他创建了威尔斯利学院的计算机科学系,并担任系主任。后来,他在加州Palo Alto的DEC公司系统研究中心工作了5年。


1 Introduction.
 1.1 A Brief History of Computing.
 1.2 What is Computer Science
 1.3 A Brief Tour of Computer Hardware.
 1.4 Algorithms.
 1.5 Programming Languages and Compilation.
 1.6 Programming Errors and Debugging.
 1.7 Software Maintenance.
 1.8 The Importance of Software Engineering.
 1.9 Some Thoughts on the C Programming Language.


2 Learning by Example.
 2.1 The “Hello World” Program.
 2.2 A Program to Add Two Numbers.
 2.3 Perspectives on the Programming Process.
 2.4 Data Types.
 2.5 Expressions.

3 Problem Solving.
 3.1 Programming Idioms and Paradigms.
 3.2 Solving Problems on a Larger Scale.
 3.3 Control Statements.
 3.4 An Exercise in Debugging.
 3.5 Formatted Output.
 3.6 Crafting a Program.

4 Statement Forms.
 4.1 Simple Statements.
 4.2 Control Statements.
 4.3 Boolean Data.
 4.4 The if Statement.
 4.5 The switch Statement.
 4.6 The while Statement.
 4.7 The for Statement.

5 Functions.
 5.1 Using Library Functions.
 5.2 Function Declarations.
 5.3 Writing Your Own Functions.
 5.4 Mechanics of the Function-Calling Process.
 5.5 Procedures.
 5.6 Stepwise Refinement.

6 Algorithms.
 6.1 Testing for Primality.
 6.2 Computing the Greatest Common Divisor.
 6.3 Numerical Algorithms.
 6.4 Series Expansion.
 6.5 Specifying the Size of Numeric Types.


7 Libraries and Interfaces: A Simple Graphics Package.
 7.1 The Concept of an Interface.
 7.2 An Introduction to the Graphics Library.
 7.3 Building Your Own Tools.
 7.4 Solving a Larger Problem.

8 Designing Interfaces: A Random Number Library.
 8.1 Interface Design.
 8.2 Generating Random Numbers by Computer.
 8.3 Saving Tools in Libraries.
 8.4 Evaluating the Design of random.h Interface.
 8.5 Using the Random-Number Package.

9 Strings and Characters.
 9.1 The Principle of Enumeration.
 9.2 Characters.
 9.3 Strings as Abstract Data.
 9.4 The strlib.h Interface.

10 Modular Development.
 10.1 Pig Latin—A Case Study in Modular Development.
 10.2 Maintaining Internal State within a Module.
 10.3 Implementing a Scanner Abstraction.


11 Arrays.
 11.1 Introduction to Arrays.
 11.2 Internal Representation of Data.
 11.3 Passing Arrays as Parameters.
 11.4 Using Arrays for Tabulation.
 11.5 Static Initialization of Arrays.
 11.6 Multidimensional Arrays.

12 Searching and Sorting.
 12.1 Searching.
 12.2 Sorting.

13 Pointers.
 13.1 Using Addresses as Data Values.
 13.2 Pointer Manipulation in C.
 13.3 Passing Parameters by Reference.
 13.4 Pointers and Arrays.
 13.5 Dynamic Allocation.

14 Strings Revisited.
 14.1 Conceptual Representations of the Type string.
 14.2 The ANSI String Library.
 14.3 Implementing the strlib.h Library.

15 Files.
 15.1 Text Files.
 15.2 Using Files in C.
 15.3 Character I/O.
 15.4 Line-oriented I/O.
 15.5 Formatted I/O.

16 Records.
 16.1 The Concept of the Data Record.
 16.2 Using Records in C.
 16.3 Combining Records and Arrays.
 16.4 Pointers to Records.
 16.5 Building a Database of Records.
 16.6 Designing a Record-Based Application.

17 Looking Ahead.
 17.1 Recursion.
 17.2 Abstract Data Types.
 17.3 Analysis of Algorithms.

Appendix A. Summary of C Syntax and Structure.

Appendix B. Library Sources.


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