作者 : (美)Paul S.Wang
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2003-07-01
ISBN : 7-111-12542-8
定价 : 55.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 570
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Standard C++ with Object-Oriented Programming
原出版社: Thomson Learning
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 :



Paul S.Wang,于麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士学位,现任肯特州立大学计算机科学系教授和计算数学研究所主任。他是国际著名的计算机科学家和资深顾问,发表过100多篇研究论文,并著有多本倍受赞誉的计算机科学书籍。作者网址为http://sofpower.com或http://monkey.cs.kent.edu/-pwang。


C++ is one of the most popular languages for object-oriented programming (OOP), the centerpiece of object technology (OT) that is revolutionizing the software industry. OOP creates programs that are well organized, easy to un-derstand and modify, flexible, and reusable in many different situations. It reduces complexity and makes software production and maintenance more economical. C++ has been standardized jointly by the International Standards Organization (ISO) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).
  The ISO/ANSI C++ standard (ISO/IEC FDIS 14882) was approved in Novem-ber 1997.
  New features introduced in Standard C++ include the Boolean type boot,exceptions, namespaces, run-time type identification, type cast notations, and template libraries with generic algorithms. Standard C++ also revised and extended a number of existing features including the wide character type,templates, and function call resolution. A new string class makes character strings easier to use.
  This book is a revision of C++ with Object-Oriented Programming, covering Standard C++ comprehensively while preserving the proven approach. The C++ constructs are matched with clear and precise OOP concepts. Language mechanisms are explained individually and in combination to achieve OOP objectives. Object-based, object-oriented, and generic programming techniques are demonstrated in realistic programs to show their applications in practice.Chapter 12 shows how C++ can be applied for Web CGI programming.
OBJECT ORIENTATION C++ is important because it is efficient and supports OOP well. Thus, OOP concepts and techniques are taught as an integral part of C++ programming.The approach brings OOP concepts down to earth so that they are easily grasped. Object orientation is introduced early and demonstrated with many complete examples. How these techniques are applied to solve problems and how they make programs more flexible and reusable are dearly shown.
  Key OOP concepts such as data abstraction, encapsulation, information hiding, problem solving with objects, genericness, inheritance, and polymor-phism are presented clearly and comprehensively. Basics on object-oriented design are also included. Again, these are illustrated by many C++ examples,including a bank account example that is carried through many chapters.
  The best way to learn programming is to write programs. With clear concepts and good examples, the text encourages the writing of interesting programs early. Chapters 1 and 2 form a primer introducing essential components of C++and object-based programming to get started quickly. Materials on thinking with objects, C++ programming tips, and style guides help beginning pro-grammers.
  A pocket calculator simulation program is introduced in Chapter 5. This program evolves with each new chapter through programming exercises. Fi-nally, in Chapter 13, a substantial pocket calculator program emerges that connects many key OOP concepts and C++ constructs.

  Standard C++ is presented comprehensively and in depth. The coverage an- ticipates the needs of students and describes Standard C++ as an integral, self-contained language. The examples evolve as new material is covered, pro- viding many chances to revisit familiar code and to focus on the new concepts and features being introduced.
  It is possible to use this book as the sole text for a course. Besides the basic topics, it covers the Standard Library, the I/O stream classes, templates, the Standard Template Library (STL), generic algorithms, program organization, use of header files, error and exception handling, preprocessing, and compila- tion (on UNIX and on PC).
  Object orientation is emphasized with topics on building software ob- jects, comparing external behavior versus internal workings, reducing com- plexity with encapsulation, deriving new classes based on existing ones, writing generic codes that are reusable in many situations, creating soft-
ware black boxes that are plug-compatible in usage, and establishing poly- morphic procedures and objects that work with multiple types of objects.
  Also included are object-oriented design techniques, methods, and applica- tions.

  Standard C++ is a large and complex language. It is easy to get lost in the maze of new OOP concepts and the supporting C++ constructs. No effort is spared to make this complicated subject easy to grasp and understand. The approach begins with simple topics and key concepts as a foundation. Then, advanced topics are added in a logical sequence that is easy to follow. The materials are organized to anticipate questions and provide answers. Clear, interesting, and realistic examples show how to write object-oriented programs and how to apply the concepts and techniques introduced.
  Inheritance, a key OOP feature, tends to be difficult for beginning pro-grammers. A clear mental picture is painted of a derived class and its relation with a base class upon which it is built. Furthermore, specific principles on class derivation and its proper usage are supplied. Multiple inheritance is also covered with clarity and good examples.
  Polymorphism and plug compatibility are central OOP techniques that require sophistication to use well. An entire chapter is devoted to this subject that provides enough material to challenge even the most advanced students.

  CGI programs written in C++ can be fast and efficient. HTML forms and CGI programs for form processing are presented in a concise chapter that puts the OOP concepts and C++ techniques to good use. A C++ class library for CGI programming is given and explained. CGI programs using this library for form processing are presented.

  The book contains more than enough material for a three-credit programming course at the junior, senior, or beginning graduate level. No C background is assumed, but appropriate programming experience, to appreciate software complexity, is highly recommended. Knowledge of C or ANSI C will reduce the amount of work involved. At a lower level, the material in the beginning chapters should be covered carefully. Advanced topics such as user-defined free storage management (Section 8.12), CGI programming (Chapter 12), and object-oriented design (Chapter 13) can be omitted. At a higher level,Chapter 1 and Chapter 14 can be assigned to students as background reading to more class time for other topics.
  For a class with substantial programming experience, generic program- ming, template writing, and object-oriented programming projects, as sug- gested by the end-of-chapter exercises, can be emphasized. In this case, the design considerations covered in Chapter 13 may be discussed much earlier
  The preprocessing and compilation material in Chapter 14 can be intro- duced (or assigned for reading by students) whenever the instructor feels it is appropriate in a course. Chapters 2 through 11 are central to this text and should prove challenging and rewarding to any reader
  The book can also be used as a valuable supplement to a general course on OOP, data structures, or object-oriented design with C++ implementation.

  C++ is presented in a system-independent manner. The examples will run on any reasonable C++ implementation including workstations, PCs, and multi-user servers. Chapter 14 gives general information on preprocessing, compil-ing, and executing programs. The Free Software Foundation offers g++, a good implementation of C++ for free downloading:
http: //www. gnu. ai .mit. edu/software/gcc (for UNIX)
http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/ (for PC)

  As an instructional guide, this text follows an incremental approach, whereby new concepts are built on old ones to make understanding easy. However,the book is also a valuable reference tool. Information has been organized for easy reference with tables, figures, displayed syntax explanations, examples,and summaries. All key C++ constructs are collected in Appendix A for quick review. Appendix B summarizes usage of special member functions. Other ap-pendices cover debugging, library functions, and the mixed use of C++ and C.Accurate cross-referencing and a comprehensive index help locate information contained in the book.

  Throughout the text, concepts and programming constructs are amply illus-trated with examples of practical importance. The example package is orga-nized by chapter. There are about 400 files containing complete source codes that are ready to compile. The complete example package for UNIX and for PC is available from the Brooks/Cole Web site www. brookscole, com

  The book has benefited from the previous edition, extensive classroom use,and feedback from industry. In particular, I wish to thank W. B. Adams of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, Technical Computer Operations (Akron,Ohio). The book has gone through several rounds of reviews, and I would like to thank the following reviewers for their suggestions and corrections:
William G. Albrecht   Florida Southern College
Richard Chang     University of Maryland
Julius Dichter    University of Bridgeport
Craig A. Adams    Houston Community College System
Hristina Galabova   Home Box Office, Inc.
  Especially, I'd like to thank Hristina Galabova, a Kent State alumna, for her thorough review and thoughtful suggestions, resulting in many improve-ments.
  The final draft of the book went through classroom trial at Kent State University in the spring of 2000. This resulted in many improvements. My ap-predation goes to all the students who took the Object-Oriented Programming class.  Thanks also go to Joyce Fuell, my assistant at the Institute for Computa-tional Mathematics of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Kent State University, for helping with the production of the manuscript.
  I would like to thank Kallie Swanson, the editor at Brooks/Cole for her ex-pert handling of this publication, to Merrill Peterson at Matrix Productions for managing the production process, and to Arthur Ogawa at TEX Consultants for the LATEX style file, graphical art, index generation, and great composition.
  My daughter Laura suggested the term appendant, and it proved to be very helpful in describing class derivation. She deserves all the credit. Finally, I'd like to thank my wife, Jennifer, and younger children, Deborah and David, for their understanding, support, and encouragement.
                               Paul S. Wang
Kent State University


Introduction 1
ONE C++ Primer Part 1: Basics 8
1.1 Object-Oriented Program Structure  8
1.2 Functions  9
1.3 Running the First Example  12
1.4 Statements  12
1.5 The while Statement  13
1.6 Simple Conditional Statements  16
1.7 Characters and Character Input and Output  17
1.8 More Basic Constructs  20
1.9 Data Types and Declarations  26
1.10 Operators and Expressions  29
1.11 Enumerations  35
 1.12 Arrays  37
 1.13 Pointers  40
 1.14 An Example  41
 1.15 Iteration Control   42
 1.16 Choices by switch  46
 1.17 Summary  48
     Exercises  48
TWO C++ Primer Part II: Object-Based Programming 51
 2.1 Data Abstraction and Encapsulation  51
 2.2 Function Calls and Argument Passing  58
 2.3 Command-Line Arguments  61
 2.4 Environment Variables  62
2.5 The string Class   63
2.6 Problem Solving with Objects  65
2.7 C++ I/O Streams  70
2.8 Error Handling  70
2.9 Object-Based Thinking  73
2.10 C++ Programming Tips  74
2.11 Summary  77
     Exercises  78
THREE Key Constructs 80
3.1 Identifier Scoping  81
3.2 Namespaces  84
3.3 More on Declarations  86
3.4 Recursion  89
3.5 A Class of Fractions  93
3.6 Optional and Variable-Length Arguments  97
3.7 Overloading Functions  99
3.8 References  102
3.9 Read-Only Variables and Parameters  103
3.10 The typedef Declaration  105
3.11 Storage Allocation and Management  106
3.12 A Circular Buffer  109
3.13 Implicit Type Conversions  114
3.14 Explicit Type Cast  116
3.15 HOW to Use Header Files  117
3.16 Summary  119
    Exercises  120
FOUR Arrays, Pointers, and Generic Code 123
4.1 Array Concepts and Declarations  123
4.2 Pointers and Address Arithmetic  125
4.3 TWo-Dimensional Arrays  133
4.4 A Matrix Class  135
4.5 A Class of Polynomials  138
4.6  Array Objects: vector   141
4.7 Sorting Text Lines with Objects  143
4.8 Pointers and Function Calls  151
4.9 Arrays, Pointers, and References  154
4.10 Multiple Indirection  154
4.11 Generic Programs  156
4.12 A Generic Sorting Program  162
4.13 Pointers and Dynamically Allocated Storage  165
4.14 Summary  168
    Exercises      169
FIVE Classes and Objects 172
5.1 Defining Classes  172
5.2 Creating and Initializing Objects  175
5.3 The Host Object  181
5.4 Internal-External Decoupling  182
5.5 Pocket Calculator Simulation  183
5.6 Built-in Operations for Objects  192
5.7 Object Destruction  193
5.8 Friends of a Class  195
5.9 Recursive Structures  197
5.10 Instance and Static Members  204
5.11 The Size of Objects  210
5.12 Generic Lists  211
5.13 Unions and Bit Fields  216
5.14 Summary  216
    Exercises      217
six I/O Streams and the Standard Library 219
6.1 Different Header Files  219
6.2 C-Style String Input and Output  220
6.3 String Objects  222
6.4 A String Tokenizer  225
6.5 Operations on Characters  228
6.6 Numeric Computations  229
6.7 The I/O Stream Library  230
6.8 Stream I/O for Objects  240
6.9 I/O Manipulators  242
6.10 Summary  244
    Exercises  245
SEVEN Inheritance and Class Derivation 248
7.1 Class Derivation  249
7.2 Derived Classes and Objects  252
7.3 Public Derivation  255
7.4 Derivation Principles  258
7.5 Access Control Under Class Derivation  259
7.6 Private Derivation  261
7.7 Specialization of Generic Classes  263
7.8 Type Relations Under Inheritance  265
7.9 Assignment of Objects  267
7.10 Copying of Objects  271
 7.11 Derived-Object Assignment and Copying  274
 7.12 Object Assignmentand Copying via Derivation  276
 7.13 Multiple Inheritance  278
 7.14 The I/O Stream Class Hierarchy  282
 7.15 Summary  283
     Exercises  284
EIGHT operator Overloading, Iterators, and
       Exceptions  287
 8.1 Operator Overloading  287
 8.2 A Reference-Count String Class  290
 8.3 Overloading []  293
 8.4 Overloading ++ and --  294
 8.5 Smart Pointers  295
 8.6 Iterators  296
 8.7 Nested and Local Classes  299
8.8 Robust Classes  302
8.9 User-Defined Type Conversions  303
8.10 Error and Exception Handling  306
8.11 Matrix with Exceptions  314
8.12 Managing Free Storage  316
8.13 Summary  319
    Exercises  320
NINE OOP Techniques 322
9.1 Programming with Plug-Compatible Objects  322
9.2 Run-Time Type Identification  330
9.3 A Generic Tree  335
9.4 Planning Uniform Public Interfaces  343
9.5 Destruction of Plug-Compatible Objects  352
9.6 Ordering Text Lines  354
9.7 Interfaces  357
9.8 Understanding Virtual Functions  359
9.9 Inheritance Planning  361
9.10 Object-Family Classes  363
9.11 Summary  371
     Exercises  372
TEN Templates 375
10.1 Basic Concepts  375
10.2 Function Templates  377
10.3 Class Templates  383
10.4 Template Compilation  388
10.5 A List Template  390
10.6 Class Template Specialization  397
10.7 Derived-Class Template  397
10.8 A Generic Hash Table  400
10.9 Generic Programming Approaches  407
10.10 Summary  409
     Exercises  409
ELEVEN Standard Containers 413
11.1 The STL  413
11.2 Standard Container Headers  414
11.3 Efficiency of Sequence Containers  416
11.4 Using stack   417
11.5 Associative Containers  418
11.6 Standard Container Iterators and typedefs  421
11.7 Generic Algorithms for Containers  426
11.8 Ordered Sets  429
11.9 Standard Functors  431
11.10 For More STL Information  434
11.11 Pointers to Members  434
11.12 Instance Functions as Functors  439
11.13 Summary  439
     Exercises  440
TWELVE Web CGI Programming 442
12.1 About Networking  442
12.2 Internet Basics  A n.A.
12.3 The World-Wide Web  446
12.4 What IS HTML   448
12.5 Dynamic Generation of Web Pages  450
12.6 HTML Produced from C++  452
12.7 Forms in HTML  455
12.8 HTTP Message Formats  456
12.9 Writing CGI Programs  458
12.10 Receiving Form Data  459
12.11 User Feedback Handling  461
12.12 More Information  464
12.13 Summary  465
     Exercises  465
THIRTEEN Object-Oriented Design 467
13.1 Decomposition Approaches  468
13.2 Object-Oriented Design Principles  469
13.3 Design Patterns  472
13.4 The CRC Method  474
13.5 Interfacing to Existing Systems  475
13.6 Pocket Calculator Simulation  479
13.7 Summary  488
    Exercises  488
FOURTEEN Compiling and Preprocessing 490
14.1 Compiling and Running C++ Programs  490
14.2 Preprocessing  492
14.3 Header Files  493
14.4 Symbolic Constants and Macros  494
14.5 Inline Functions Versus Macros  496
14.6 Conditional Text Inclusion  497
14.7 Once-Only Header Files  500
14.8 Standard Macros  500
14.9 Compilation and Execution  502
14.10 Summary  506
    Exercises  507
A  Summary of C++ Constructs  509
B  Summary of Special Member Functions  515
C  C-Style Strings  516
D  Unions and Bit Fields  519
E  Interactive Debugging with dbx   525
F  Functions with a Variable Number of Arguments  528
G  Operator Precedence  531
H  Implicit Type Conversions  532
I  C++ Library Functions Common with C  534
J  C-Style Input/output  542
K  Interfacing C++ and C Programs  547
L  Header Files   551
Index 552

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