
Effective C#(英文版)
作者 : Bill Wagner
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2005-11-10
ISBN : 7-111-17473-9
定价 : 35.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 307
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Effective C#: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your C#
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 店面
包含CD :
绝版 : 未绝版

C#'s resemblances to C++, Java, and C make it easier to learn, but there's a downside: C# programmers often continue to use older techniques when for better alternatives are available. In Effective C#, respected NET expert Bill Wagner identifies fifty ways you can start leveraging the full power of C# in order to write faster, more efficient, and more reliable software.

  Effective C# follows the format that made Effective C+ + (Addison-Wesley, 1998) and Effective Java (Addison-Wesley, 2001) indispensable to hundreds of thousands of developers: clear, practical explanations, expert tips, and plenty of realistic code examples. Drawing on his unsurpassed C# experience, Wagner addresses everything from value types to assemblies, exceptions to reflection. Along the way, he shows exactly how to avoid dozens of common C# performance and reliability pidai~s. You'll learn how to:
■Use both types of C# constants for efficiency and maintainability~ see item 2
■Use immutable data types to eliminate unnecessary error checking, see item 7
■Avoid the C# function that'll practically always get you in trouble, see item 10
■Minimize garbage collection, boxing, and unboxing, see items 16 and 17
■Take full advantage of interfaces and delegates,see items 19 though 22
■Create CLS compliant assemblies that use noncompliant C# language features, see item 30
■Improve reliability and maintainability by creating small, cohesive assemblies, see item 32
■leverage the full power of NET's runtime diagnostics, see item 36
■ Know when-and when not-to use reflection, see items 42 and 43
■Preview the major enhancements in C# 2.0, see item 49

  You're already a successful C# programmer-this book can help you become an outstanding one.



Bill Wagner:暂无简介


1. C# Language Elements.
  Item 1 - Always Use Properties Instead of Accessible Data Members.
  Item 2 - Prefer readonly to const.
  Item 3 - Prefer the is or as Operators to Casts.
  Item 4 - Use Conditional Attributes Instead of #if.
  Item 5 - Always Provide ToString().
  Item 6 - Distinguish Between Value Types and Reference Types.
  Item 7 - Prefer Immutable Atomic Value Types.
  Item 8 - Ensure That 0 Is a Valid State for Value Types.
  Item 9 - Understand the Relationships Among ReferenceEquals(),static Equals(), instance Equals(), and operator==.
  Item 10 - Understand the Pitfalls of GetHashCode().
  Item 11 - Prefer foreach Loops.

2. .NET Resource Management.
  Item 12 - Prefer Variable Initializers to Assignment Statements.
  Item 13 - Initialize Static Class Members with Static Constructors.
  Item 14 - Utilize Constructor Chaining.
  Item 15 - Utilize using and try/finally for Resource leanup.
  Item 16 - Minimize Garbage.
  Item 17 - Minimize Boxing and Unboxing.
  Item 18 - Implement the Standard Dispose Pattern.

3. Expressing Designs with C#.
  Item 19 - Prefer Defining and Implementing Interfaces to Inheritance.
  Item 20 - Distinguish Between Implementing Interfaces and Overriding Virtual Functions.
  Item 21 - Express Callbacks with Delegates.
  Item 22 - Define Outgoing Interfaces with Events.
  Item 23 - Avoid Returning References to Internal Class Objects.
  Item 24 - Prefer Declarative to Imperative Programming.
  Item 25 - Prefer Serializable Types.
  Item 26 - Implement Ordering Relations with IComparable and Icomparer.
  Item 27 - Avoid Icloneable.
  Item 28 - Avoid Conversion Operators.
  Item 29 - Use the new Modifier Only When Base Class Updates Mandate It.

4. Creating Binary Components.
  Item 30 - Prefer CLS-Compliant Assemblies.
  Item 31 - Prefer Small, Simple Functions.
  Item 32 - Prefer Smaller, Cohesive Assemblies.
  Item 33 - Limit Visibility of Your Types.
  Item 34 - Create Large-Grain Web APIs.

5. Working with the Framework.
  Item 35 - Prefer Overrides to Event Handlers.
  Item 36 - Leverage .NET Runtime Diagnostics.
  Item 37 - Use the Standard Configuration Mechanism.
  Item 38 - Utilize and Support Data Binding.
  Item 39 - Use .NET Validation.
  Item 40 - Match Your Collection to Your Needs.
  Item 41 - Prefer DataSets to Custom Structures.
  Item 42 - Utilize Attributes to Simplify Reflection.
  Item 43 - Don't Overuse Reflection.
  Item 44 - Create Complete Application-Specific Exception Classes.

6. Miscellaneous.
  Item 45 - Prefer the Strong Exception Guarantee.
  Item 46 - Minimize Interop.
  Item 47 - Prefer Safe Code.
  Item 48 - Learn About Tools and Resources.
  Item 49 - Prepare for C# 2.0.
  Item 50 - Learn About the ECMA Standard.


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