作者 : (英)Roger Garside, John Mariani
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2003-08-01
ISBN : 7-111-12606-8
定价 : 55.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 626
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Java First Contact
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 :

  逐步介绍Java语言类的使用,书的荫几章介绍输入/输出以及一组作者定义的工具以帮助刚开始学习Java的学生。第19章使用来自java.io包的类,重点介绍Java的输入和输出第11章让学生有机会综合所学到的概念和技巧,从构建类开始设计一个task organizsr程序第12章详细介绍继承的概念,让学生在准备学习其他高级的面向对象概念的同时,理解和掌握对象模型中继承的重要性第20章介绍applet的创建和使用第五部分讨论面向对象的设计,包括方法学以及案例分析,引导学生遍历开发过程的各个阶段。


This is a book about programming in the Java programming language. It is intended for people who have no previous programming experience, so it is unlike many other Java programming books, which appear to have been written by experts for experts. It was written from scratch and not based on previous C or C++ textbooks by the same authors, which also makes it different from many other books. This book was developed for a specific purpose and is not an
evolution from an earlier book. The book is thus well suited for a first-year undergraduate programming course. This edition has been thoroughly revised and updated for the latest versions of Java.
  The authors have between them taught the first-year programming course at Lancaster University for more than 14 years, first in Pascal, then in Ada, and since 1996-1997 in Java,one of the first British universities to use the Java language for first-year programming. This book is based on our experience of teaching the language to classes of some 150 students. One author has experience in object-oriented software development and database management systems from Objective-C to C++ and ONTOS to POET. The other has written a number of textbooks on natural language processing and computer architecture.
  Java is an interesting development in the field of programming languages. We briefly explore some of the history of Java in our first chapter, but for now, suffice it to say that it is very much a language for the new millennium. Part of the "buzz" around Java is because it is the language of the World Wide Web (itself a major aspect of computing now and in the future),but a significant feature of the language is that it is object-oriented. This means that we can
think of systems as composed of a number of objects that provide and request services from each other to accomplish an overall task. The object model can be applied from the earliest stages of system requirements and design and carried through to coding, testing, and maintenance.
  Rather than avoid or delay object orientation, we have decided to make objects our departure point. We present our study of Java in terms of objects from the very start rather than begin as a conventional programming text and graft on objects at a later point.
  We believe that Java is an elegant language with an extensive class library that supports the programming of graphical interfaces and the use of computer networks. We therefore believe it is a good language with which to introduce the concepts of computing, and it is rewarding because the programmer is able to write significant pieces of code quickly.
  The book consists of five parts:
  · In Part 1, we concentrate on using objects. Here objects are supplied either from the standard Java library of classes or from example classes of our own creation. The programmer writes applications that call upon the services of these preexisting objects and interprets the results.
  · In Part 2, we change emphasis and look at what is required to write (and use) objects of our own.
  · In Part 3, we explore a major concept in object models, that of inheritance, and how we can apply it in Java. This part also covers two areas of Java that rely heavily on inheri-tance: the use of exceptions for dealing with error conditions in programs and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (ATT), which supports the creation of graphical user interfaces.
  · In Part 4, we examine more advanced features of Java, such as the input/output facilities, and how applets--applications that can be executed over the World Wide Web  can be written. We also examine how common data structures can be realized in Java,introducing ideas about the use of pointers and linked data structures.
  · In Part 5, we look at object-oriented design and show how we can identify objects from the requirements of a system and move forward through design and into coding. This section is supported by examining the development of a system from start to finish.
  We cover all the major parts of the basic language except multithreading, which we introduce only briefly in Chapter 21. In a book of this size, it is possible to cover only a small part of the extensive facilities provided by Java. Thus, we introduce only a few of the main classes of the ATT, and we consider access to networks only in terms of the communication between an applet and its originating computer. Some of the sections are marked as optional on a first
reading. We see Java as having a future as a good general-purpose programming language rather than as only a vehicle for Web programming. We therefore spend most of the book dis-
cussing normal application programs and discuss how applets can be written to be executed over the Web only in Chapter 20.
  The book contains many examples and exercises to illustrate the principles discussed. All example programs are also available through a Web site (see Appendix A).
  A number of environments are available for developing Java programs. This book describes Version 1.3 of Java, and the development environment it describes is the basic Software Development Kit (SDK) from Sun Microsystems. The examples have all been tested under the Windows NT and UNIX operating systems. Appendix A describes how to obtain a copy of the SDK, as well as the special classes used in this book.
  We believe that Java is an exciting development in programming language design. We hope you will enjoy this introduction to the world of Java programming.   
                               R. G.G. &J.A.M.


Part I Using Objects
Programming and the Java Language
1.1   Programs and Programming  2
1.2  Algorithms  3
1.3  High-Level Languages and Programs  5
1.4  A Simple Computer  8
1.5   Machine Code  9
1.6   Files and the Filing System  14
1.7  The World Wide Web  15
1.8   The Java Programming Language  17
1.9  Getting Started with Java  20
1.10  A First Java Program  21
1.11  The pti nt and println Methods  24
1.12  How This Book Is Arranged  25
1.13  Key Points in Chapter 1  26
1.14  Exercises  27
2 Object Orientation 29
2.1   Objects and Classes  29
2.2  Software Objects  32
2.3   More about Single Objects  36
2.4  An Object-Oriented Program  39
2.5  Types  40
2.6   Classes and Instances Revisited  43
2.7  Key Points in Chapter 2  46
2.8  Exercises  47
3 Declaring Objects and Calling Methods 48
3.1   Program Structure  48
3.2  The class Person  49
3.3  A Program to Manipulate a Person  51
3.4  The i mp0rt Statement  52
3.5  Declaring Objects  53
3.6  Using Methods to Set the Attributes of Objects  57
3.7  Using Methods to Extract Object Attributes  60
3.8   Using Constants in Java  63
3.9   Using Objects and Methods  65
3.10  A Variety of Methods  66
3.11  Constructors Revisited  68
3.12  Input to a Program (Optional)  72
3.13  Key Points in Chapter 3  73
3.14  Exercises  74
4 Selecting Among Alternatives 77
4.1   Reading Values from the Keyboard  77
4.2   More on Integer Variables  80
4.3   Type Checking  84
4.4  Making Decisions  85
4.5  Selection Statements in Java  89
4.5.1  Statements  90
4.5.2  Relational Operators and Boolean Expressions  92
4.6  The Boolean Type  96
4.7  The switch Statement  101
4.8  Testing a New Class  107
4.9  Key Points in Chapter 4  110
4.10  Exercises  111
5 Repetition  113
5.1   Repetition as a Basic Control Structure  113
5.2  Looping a Predetermined Number of Times: The for Statement  115
5.3  Looping an Indeterminate Number of Times: The whi 1 e Statement  121
5.4   Stopping in the Middle of an Iteration  124
5.5  for Loops and while Loops  126
5.6  Nested Loops  127
5.7   Boolean Expressions for Loops  126
5.8  Testing at the End of the Loop  134
5.9   Other Java Loop Features  136
5.10  Key Points in Chapter 5  138
5.11  Exercises  139
6 Basic Java Data Types  142
6.1   Objects and Basic Data Types  142
6.1.1  Declaration  142
6.1.2  Setting a Value  144
6.1.3  Obtaining a Value  146
6.1.4  Arguments to Methods  147
6.2  The int Data Type  147
6.3  Other Whole Number Data Types in Java (Optional)  151
6.4  Floating-Point Data Types  153
6.5  The b001 ean Data Type  155
6.6  The char Data Type  156
6.7  The String Class  157
6.8  Methods for the String Class  161
6.9   Wrapper Classes (Optional)  162
6.10  Key Points in Chapter 6  165
6.11  Exercises  166
Part 2 Writing Objects
7 A Simple Class  169
7.1   What We Are Trying to Achieve  169
7.2  Providing the Person Class  172
7.3  Methods for the Person Class  175
7.4  Actual and Formal Arguments  178
7.5  Modes of Argument Passing  182
7.6   Return Values  185
7.7  Lexical Conventions within a Class  185
7.8  Key Points in Chapter 7  186
7.9  Exercises  187
8 More on the Simple Class  189
8.1  Constructor Methods  189
8.2  Overloading  193
8.3  Class Constants  195
8.4  Class Variables  196
8.5  Private Methods  198
8.6  Class or Static Methods  201
8.7  Revisiting the Main Class  202
8.8  Packages and Directories  206
8.8.1  The i mp0rt Statement  209
8.9  Scope and Visibility  210
8.9.1  Intraclass Visibility  210
8.9.2  Use ofthi s  214
8.9.3  Interclass Visibility  214
8.10  Key Points in Chapter 8  215
8.11  Exercises  216
9 Arrays 218
9.1  Collections of Elements  218
9.2  Arrays of Objects  221
9.3  Searching an Array  223
9.4  Binary Search  226
9.5  Sorting an Array  227
9.6  Arrays as Arguments  234
9.7  Multidimensional Arrays  237
9.8  Nonrectangular Arrays (Optional)  241
9.9  Key Points in Chapter 9  242
9.10  Exercises  244
10 Objects within Objects 249
10.1  What We Are Trying to Achieve  249
10.2  Writing the 0urDate Class  250
10.3  Using the OurDate Class  251
10.4  Objects as Arguments  253
10.5  Multiple References to the Same Object  255
10.6  Objects as Arguments and Return Values: Call by Reference  260
10.6.1  Changing the Contents of the Formal and Actual Arguments  263
10.7  Hiding References to Other Objects  266
10.8  Key Points in Chapter 10  267
10.9  Exercises  268
11 Putting Objects to Work 270
11.1  A Task Organizer Program  270
11.2  A Priority Queue Class  271
11.3  Implementing a Priority Queue with an Array  275
11.4  Alternative Implementations of PriorityQueue (Optional)  281
11.5  Testing the PriorityQueue Class  282
11.6  Using the PriorityQueue Class  287
11.7  Outstanding Issues  289
11.8  Key Points in Chapter 11  291
11.9  Exercises  291
Part 3 Advanced Objects
12 Introduction to Inheritance  293
12.1  Motivation  293
12.1.1 Data Modeling  293
12.1.2 Programming  298
12.2  What's the Difference   299
12.3  Overriding Inherited Methods  300
12.4  Access Rights and Subclasses  304
12.5  Airplane Reservations: An Example  305
12.6  Key Points in Chapter 12  310
12.7  Exercises  311
13 Class and Method Polymorphism  313
13.1  Person and Student: An Example  313
13.2  Constructor Methods and Inheritance  314
13.2.1  Constructor Chaining  315
13.3  Multiple Levels of Inheritance: The Inheritance Hierarchy  316
13.4  The Class Object  317
13.5  Polymorphism  319
13.6  Polymorphism and Heterogeneous Collections  322
13.6.1  Dynamic Method Binding (Late Binding)  325
13.7  Calling Overridden Methods  325
13.8  Methods in Derived Classes  327
13.9  Key Points in Chapter 13  329
13.10 Exercises  330
14 Abstract Classes and Interfaces 333
14.1  Abstract Classes  333
14.2  Polymorphism  338
14.3  Interfaces  340
14.4  Key Points in Chapter 14  346
14.5  Exercises  347
15 Throwing and Catching Exceptions  351
15.1  Motivation: Robust Programs  351
15.2  Defining a New Exception  353
15.3  Throwing an Exception  354
15.4  Catching an Exception  355
15.4.1 The finally Clause (Optional)  361
15.5  Key Points in Chapter 15  363
15.6  Exercises  365
16 Graphics and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit 366
16.1  Graphical User Interfaces  366
16.2  A Simple Program with a Graphical Interface  368
16.3  Writing the Chapterl6n0 Class  372
16.3.1 The Constructor for the Chapterl6n0 Class  372
16.3.2 Other Layout Managers  375
16.3.3 The main Method for the Chapterl6n0 Class  376
16.3.4 The actionPerformed Method of the Chapterl6nO Class376
16.3.5 The windowClosing Method of the Chapterl6n0 Class 377
16.4  Writing the CanvasO Class  378
16.5  Writing Text on the Canvas  382
16.6  Animating the Simple Graphics Program  383
16.7  Input of Character Strings in a Graphical Interface 386
16.7.1 Setting Up the Picture  387
16.7.2 Getting a String from a WextField  389
16.7.3 Drawing the Thermometer  391
16.8  Menus, Files, and Images (Optional)  392
16.8.1  Setting Up Menus   393
16.8.2 Selecting a File   397
16.8.3  Displaying an Image   398
16.8.4 Tracking the Mouse   399
16.9  Key Points in Chapter 16  400
16.10 Exercises  401
Part 4 Advanced Java
17 Linked Data Structures  406
17.1  Linear and Linked Data Structures  406
17.2  Implementing a Priority Queue Using a Linked Data Structure  409
17.3  Methods for the PriorityOueue Class  413
17.3.1 The length Method  413
17.3.2 The first Method  415
17.3.3 The remove Method  4t6
17.4  The insert Method  417
17.5  Deletion from a Linked Data Structure (Optional)  423
17.6  Doubly Linked Lists (Optional)  425
17.7  Using Linked Data Structures  428
17.8  Key Points in Chapter 17  429
17.9  Exercises  430
18 Recursion and Binary Trees  434
18.1  Recursion  434
18.2  Solving the Towers of Hanoi Problem  437
18.2.1  A Recursive Solution to the Towers of Hanoi Problem  439
18.2.2 An Iterative Solution to the Towers of Hanoi Problem  441
18.3  Binary Trees  442
18.3.1 Searching and Updating a Binary Tree  445
18.3.2 Writing the Code for the Binary Tree  447
18.3.3 Adding a Word Occurrence to the Lexicon  448
18.3.4 Outputting the Lexicon Information  451
18.4  Key Points in Chapter 18  452
18.5  Exercises  452
19 Input and Output in Java  457
19.1  Input and Output Systems  457
19.2  The Java Classes for Input and Output  460
19.3  The PrintStream Class and System.out  462
19.3.1 Output Redirection  465
19.4  The BufferedReader Class and System. in  466
19.4.1  Tokenizing an Input Line  467
19.4.2 Converting Strings to Numeric Values  468
19.4.3 Redirecting Input  470
19.5  Files and File Handling  471
19.6  Reading and Writing Files  472
19.6.1 Writing to a File  473
19.6.2 Reading from a File  474
19.7  Binary Files (Optional)  476
19.8  Random Access Files (Optional)  477
19.9  Accessing Other Computers (Optional)  478
19.10 Key Points in Chapter 19  479
19.11 Exercises  481
20 Creating and Using Applets 484
20.1  Creating Applets  484
20.2  Using Applets  486
20.3  More about Applets  489
20.4  A Useful Applet  490
20.4.1 ThereadIndex Method  493
20.4.2 The act i0nPerf0rmed Method  494
20.5  Security Aspects of the Use of Applets  495
20.6  Key Points in Chapter 20  496
20.7  Exercises  496
21 Other Features of Java  499
21.1  Vectors and Other Java Data Structures  499
21.1.1 The Vector Class  499
21.1.2 The Hashtable Class  503
21.2  Strings and StringBuffers  505
21.3  Run-Time Type Information (Optional)  506
21.4  Threads (Optional)  507
21.4.1  Synchronizing Threads  513
21.5  Key Points in Chapter 21  514
21.6  Exercises  515
Part 5 Object-Oriented Design
22 Object-Oriented Design  518
22.1  Software Engineering  518
22.2  The Software Life Cycle  519
22.2.1 Requirements  520
22.2.2 Design  520
22.2.3 Coding  520
22.2.4 Testing  520
22.2.5 Maintenance  520
22.3  Design  521
22.3.1  The Design Process  521
22.3.2 Functional Design  522
22.4  Object-Oriented Design (OOD)  522
22.4.1 Capturing Our Design: A Design Notation  522
22.4.2 Object Identification  524
22.5  Key Points in Chapter 22  527
22.6  Exercises  528
22.7  References  529
23 Case Study: Implementing the Personal Organizer 1  530
23.1  First Steps in the Design  530
23.2  File Organization  530
23.2.1  Index Sequential Access  530
23.2.2 The Main File  532
23.2.3 The Rand0mAccessFile Class  535
23.2.4 The Index  536
23.2.5 Suitability of the Vector Class for Internal Representation of the Index  536
23.2.6 Suitability of the Hashtabl e Class for Internal Representation of the Index  537
23.2.7 Using the Vector Class Indirectly  538
23.3  The Classes in Detail  538
23.3.1 Filing System Considerations  540
23.3.2 Clientship  542
23.4  Moving toward Implementation  544
23.4.1 The DirBase Class  544
23.4.2 The DirEntry Class  544
23.4.3 The IndexElem Class  546
23.4.4 The Index Class  546
23.5  Key Points in Chapter 23  547
23.6  Exercise  548
23.7  Reference  548
24 Case Study: Implementing the Personal Organizer 2  549
24.1  Completing the Implementation  549
24.2  Implementation of DirBase, Index, IndexElem, and DirEntry  549
24.2.1  D irEntry Class Source and Commentary  549
24.2.2 IndexElem Class Source and Commentary  552
24.2.3 Index Class Source and Commentary  554
24.2.4 DirBase Class Source and Commentary  560
24.3  Testing What We Have Done So Far  564
24.3.1 Using a StreamTokenizer  564
24.3.2 Test-Based Interface: Intermediate Application and Testing  568
24.3.3 What Are We Testing   570
24.4  Graphical User Interface: The Final Prototype Application  571
24.4.1 Testing the Graphical Interface  574
24.5  Using Inheritance  575
24.6  Key Points in Chapter 24  576
24.7  Exercises  577
25 Criteria for a Good Object-Oriented Design  579
25.1  Introduction  579
25.2  Cohesion  579
25.3  Coupling  582
25.3.1 The Law of Demeter  583
25.4 Clarity 584
25.5  Extensibility of Our Design  585
25.5.1 Adding an Email Attribute to a Directory Entry  585
25.5.2 Adding a Diary Feature to the Personal Organizer 586
25.6  Key Points in Chapter 25  586
25.7  Exercises  587
25.8  References  587
Part 6  Appendixes
A Getting Started with Java 588
B Keywords in Java 589
C ASCII and Unicode Characters  590
D Program Listings  593
D. 1  Person. Java  593
D.2  Chapter20n2. java  599
D.3  The GUI Source Code for the Java Persona] Organizer 604
D.3.1  The Gui Class  604
D.3.2  The DirGui Class  606
D.3.3  The BrowseRecGui Class  608
D.3.4 The NewRecGui Class  610
D.3.5  The AlertDialog Class  612
Index 614

作者: 苏俊
作者: 孙浩 主编 刘亮 副主编 王宁 张莉萍 参编
作者: [美]梁勇(Y. Daniel Liang) 著
作者: 张良均 樊哲 位文超 刘名军 等著
作者: [印度] 纳威恩·拓奥普(Naveen Toppo) 海瑞思科什·德万(Hrishikesh Dewan)著