计算机体系结构:量化研究方法(英文版 第2版)
作者 : John L.Hennessy,David A.Patterson
丛书名 : 计算机科学丛书
出版日期 : 1999-09-01
ISBN : 7-111-07439-4
定价 : 88.00元
语种 : 英语
页数 : 760
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 2E
原出版社: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 : 已绝版

John L.Hennessy:John L.Hennessy: 1977年开始任教于斯坦福大学电气工程与计算机科学系,现任斯坦福大学校长。他是IEEE和ACM会士,美国国家工程院成员,美国科学院院士。2001年他由于对RISC技术的杰出贡献而获得Eckert-Mauchly奖,并获得同年Seymour Cray计算机工程奖,2000年他与David Patterson共同获得冯 诺依曼奖。 Hennessy教授于1981年带领学生在斯坦福开始了MIPS项目,该项目1984年完成以后,他请假离开大学1年,与人合伙建立了MIPS计算机系统公司,开发出最早的商用RISC微处理器。1991年公司被Silicon Graphics收购,1998年公司又独立出来,改名为MIPS技术公司,主要研发嵌入式的微处理器。截至到2001年,运用在各种仪器设备(游戏机,掌上电脑,激光打印机,网络交换机)上的MIPS微处理器已经有2亿个之多。 Hennessy教授目前在斯坦福的研究兴趣主要是设计多处理器。他帮助领导设计DASH多处理器体系结构。

David A.Patterson:1977年加入加州大学伯克利分校以来,一直教授计算机体系结构课程。他因教学的成就获得ACM和加州大学的多次褒奖。2000年他由于“创造性的讲义和教学方法,重要的教材,教学与科研任务的有效结合”而获得IEEE颁发的James Mulligan教育勋章。1995年由于对RISC技术的贡献获得IEEE技术进步奖。1999年由于对RAID技术的贡献而获得IEEE Reynold Johnson信息存储奖。2000年与John Hennessy分享了IEEE的冯 诺依曼奖章,理由是“通过他们对体系结构创新的研究,推广和商业化,创造了计算机体系结构的一场革命”。他是美国国家工程院的成员,IEEE和ACM会士。曾任伯克利电气工程与计算机学院的计算机系主任。 在伯克利,Patterson教授领导设计并实现了RISC I,可能是世界上第1台VLSI精简指令集计算机。这一研究成为SPARC体系结构的基础,后者现在被众多厂商采用,包括Sun,富士通等。他并曾领导了RAID项目,现在众多公司采用这个高性能的存储系统。他还参与了NOW项目,这最终形成了众多互联网公司采用的机群技术。这些项目获得IEEE的3个杰出贡献奖。他目前的研究项目叫做面向恢复的计算(ROC)。


Fundamentals of Computer Design
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Task of a Computer Designer
1.3 Technology and Computer Usage Trends
1.4 Cost and Trends in Cost
1.5 Measuring and Reporting Performance
1.6 Quantitative Principles of Computer Design
1.7 Putting It All Together: The Concept of Memory Hierarchy
1.8 Fallacies and Pitfalls
1.9 Concluding Remarks
1.10 Historical Perspective and References
Instruction Set Principles and Examples
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Classifying Instruction Set Architectures
2.3 Memory Addressing
2.4 Operations in the Instruction Set
2.5 Type and Size of Operands
2.6 Encoding an Instruction Set
2.7 Crosscutting Issues: The Role of Compilers
2.8 Putting It All Together: The DLX Architecture
2.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls
2.10 Concluding Remarks
2.11 Historical Perspective and References
3.1 What Is Pipelining
3.2 The Basic Pipeline for DLX
3.3 The Major Hurdle of Pipelining-Pipeline Hazards
3.4 Data Hazards
3.5 Control Hazards
3.6 What Makes Pipelining Hard to Implement
3.7 Extending the DLX Pipeline to Handle Multicycle Operations
3.8 Crosscutting Issues: Instruction Set Design and Pipelining
3.9 Putting It All Together: The MIPS R4000 Pipeline
3.10 Fallacies and Pitfalls
3.11 Concluding Remarks
3.12 Historical Perspective and References
Advanced Pipelining and Instruction-Level Parallelism
4.1 Instruction-Level Parallelism: Concepts and Challenges
4.2 Overcoming Data Hazards with Dynamic Scheduling
4.3 Reducing Branch Penalties with Dynamic Hardware Prediction
4.4 Taking Advantage of More ILP with Multiple Issue
4.5 Compiler Support for Exploiting ILP
4.6 Hardware Support for Extracting More Parallelism
4.7 Studies of ILP
4.8 Putting It All Together: The PowerPC 620
4.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls
4.10 Concluding Remarks
4.11 Historical Perspective and References
Memory-Hierarchy Design
5.1 Introduction
5.2 The ABCs of Caches
5.3 Reducing Cache Misses
5.4 Reducing Cache Miss Penalty
5.5 Reducing Hit Time
5.6 Main Memory
5.7 Virtual Memory
5.8 Protection and Examples of Virtual Memory
5.9 Crosscutting Issues in the Design of Memory Hierarchies
5.10 Putting It All Together: The Alpha AXP 21064 Memory Hierarchy
5.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls,
5.12 Concluding Remarks
5.13 Historical Perspective and References
Storage Systems
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Types of Storage Devices
6.3 Buses-Connecting 1/0 Devices to CPU/Memory
6.4 1/0 Performance Measures
6.5 Reliability, Availability, and RAID
6.6 Crosscutting Issues: Interfacing to an Operating System
6.7 Designing an 1/0 System
6.8 Putting It All Together: UNIX File System Performance
6.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls
6.10 Concluding Remarks
6.11 Historical Perspective and References
interconnection Networks
7.1 Introduction
7.2 A Simple Network
7.3 Connecting the Interconnection Network to the Computer
7.4 interconnection Network Media
7.5 Connecting More Than Two Computers
7.6 Practical Issues for Commercial Interconnection Networks
7.7 Examples of Interconnection Networks
7.8 Crosscutting Issues for Interconnection Networks
7.9 Internetworking
7.10 Putting It All Together: An ATM Network of Workstations
7.11 Fallacies and Pitfalls
7.12 Concluding Remarks
7.13 Historical Perspective and References
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Characteristics of Application Domains
8.3 Centralized Shared-Memory Architectures
8.4 Distributed Shared-Memory Architectures
8.5 Synchronization
8.6 Models of Memory Consistency
8.7 Crosscutting Issues
8.8 Putting It All Together: The SGI Challenge Multiprocessor
8.9 Fallacies and Pitfalls
8.10 Concluding Remarks
8.11 Historical Perspective and References
Appendix A: Computer Arithmetic
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center
A. 1 Introduction
A.2 Basic Techniques of Integer Arithmetic
A.3 Floating Point
A.4 Floating-Point Multiplication
A.5 Floating-Point Addition
A.6 Division and Remainder
A.7 More on Floating-Point Arithmetic
A.8 Speeding Up Integer Addition
A.9 Speeding Up Integer Multiplication and Division
A-10 Putting It All Together
A.1 1 Fallacies and Pitfalls
A. 12 Historical Perspective and References
Appendix B: Vector Processors
B.1 Why Vector Processors
B.2 Basic Vector Architecture
B.3 Two Real-World Issues: Vector Length and Stride
B.4 Effectiveness of Compiler Vectorization
B.5 Enhancing Vector Performance
B.6 Putting It All Together: Performance of Vector Processors
B.7 Fallacies and Pitf ails
B.8 Concluding Remarks
B.9 Historical Perspective and References
Appendix C: Survey of RISC Architectures
C. 1 Introduction
C.2 Addressing Modes and Instruction Formats
C.3 Instructions: The DLX Subset
C.4 Instructions: Common Extensions to DLX
C.5 Instructions Unique to MIPS
C.6 Instructions Unique to SPARC
C.7 Instructions Unique to PowerPC
C.8 Instructions Unique to PA-RISC
C.9 Concluding Remarks
C.10 References.
Appendix D: An Alternative to RISC: The Intel 80x86
D. 1 Introduction
D.2 80x86 Registers and Data Addressing Modes
D.3 80×86 Integer Operations
D.4 80×86 Floating-Point Operations
D.5 80×86 Instruction Encoding
D.6 Putting It All Together: Measurements of Instruction Set Usage
D.7 Concluding Remarks
D.8 Historical Perspective and References
Appendix E: Implementing Coherence Protocols
E1 Implementation Issues for the Snooping Coherence Protocol
E.2 Implementation Issues in the Distributed Directory Protocol

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作者: (美)John L. Hennessy 斯坦福大学; David A. Patterson 等著 加州大学伯克利分校
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