组合数学教程(英文版 第2版)
作者 : J.H.van Lint,R.M.Wilson
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2004-03-17
ISBN : 7-111-13992-5
定价 : 58.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 602
开本 : 16开
原书名 : A Course in Combinatorics
原出版社: Cambridge University Press
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 : 已绝版

组合数学是研究离散结构和离散对象关系模式的数学分支,是一门在理论和应用上涉及范围很广泛的学科。本书的内容十分丰富,讨论的问题涵盖组合数学所涉及的绝大部分领域,堪称“组合数学的百科全书”。作者的阐述深入浅出,使得高深的内容简明易懂,便于广大读者阅读。本书被美国哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、加州理工学院等许多国外著名大学采纳为教材,在科学技术界读者中也很受推崇。 本书适合作为高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合作为数学和其他学科的研究人员的参考书。



1. Graphs;
2. Trees;
3. Colorings of graphs and Ramsey’s theorem;
4. Turán’s theorem and extremal graphs;
5. Systems of distinct representatives;
6. Dilworth’s theorem and extremal set theory;
7. Flows in networks;
8. De Bruijn sequences;
9. TWO(0,1*) problemS: addressing for graphs and a hash-coding scheme;
10. The principle of inclusion and exclusion; inversion formulae;
11. Permanents;
12. The Van der Waerden conjecture;
13. Elementary counting; Stirling numbers;
14. Recursions and generating functions;
15. Partitions;
16. (0,1)-Matrices;
17. Latin squares;
18. Hadamard matrices, Reed-Muller codes;
19. Designs;
20. Codes and designs;
21. Strongly regular graphs and partial geometries;
22. Orthogonal Latin squares;
23. Projective and combinatorial geometries;
24. Gaussian numbers and q-analogues;
25. Lattices and Möbius inversion;
26. Combinatorial designs and projective geometries;
27. Difference sets and automorphisms;
28. Difference sets and the group ring;
29. Codes and symmetric designs;
30. Association schemes;
31. (More)algebraic techniques in graph theory:
32. Graph connectivity
33. Planarity and coloring;
34. Whitney Duality;
35.Embeddings of graphs on surface;
36.Electrical networks and squared squares;
37. Pólya theory of counting;
38. Baranyai’s theorem;
Appendix 1;
Appendix 2;
Name index;
Subject index.

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