作者 : Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2006-04-03
ISBN : 7-111-18606-0
定价 : 59.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 492
开本 : 16开
原书名 : An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 :

                              --Donald E. Knuth

  本书全面介绍了算法的数学分析中使用的基本方法,所涉及的内容来自经典的数学素材 (包括离散数学、初等实分析、组合数学) ,以及经典的计算机科学素材 (包括算法和数据结构) 。虽然书中论述了“最坏情形”和“复杂性问题”分析所需的基本数学工具,但是重点还是讨论“平均情形”或“概率”分析。论题涉及递归、生成函数、渐近性、树、串、映射等内容,以及对排序、树查找、串查找和散列诸算法的分析。




Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet:Robert Sedgewick: 拥有斯坦福大学博士学位 (导师为Donald E. Knuth) ,普林斯顿大学计算机科学系教授,Adobe Systems公司董事,曾是Xerox PARC的研究人员,还曾就职于美国国防部防御分析研究所以及INRIA。除本书外,他还与Philippe Flajolet合著了《算法分析导论》一书。
Philippe Flajolet: INRIA的高级研究主任,在Ecole Polytechnique和普林斯顿大学任教,并在斯坦福大学、智利大学和弗吉尼亚技术大学拥有访问席位。他还是法国科学院的通信会员。



1. Analysis of Algorithms.
Why Analyze an Algorithm
Computational Complexity.
Analysis of Algorithms.
Average-Case Analysis.
Example: Analysis of Quicksort.
Asymptotic Approximations.
Probabilistic Algorithms.

2. Recurrence Relations.
Basic Properties.
First-Order Recurrences.
Nonlinear First-Order Recurrences.
Higher-Order Recurrences.
Methods for Solving Recurrences.
Binary Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences and Binary Numbers.
General Divide-and-Conquer Recurrences.

3. Generating Functions.
Ordinary Generating Functions.
Exponential Generating Functions.
Generating Function Solution of Recurrences.
Expanding Generating Functions.
Transformations with Generating Functions.
Functional Equations on Generating Functions.
Solving the Quicksort Median-of-Three.
Recurrence with OGFs.
Counting with Generating Functions.
The Symbolic Method.
Lagrange Inversion.
Probability Generating Functions.
Bivariate Generating Functions.
Special Functions.

4. Asymptotic Approximations.
Notation for Asymptotic Approximations.
Asymptotic Expansions.
Manipulating Asymptotic Expansions.
Asymptotic Approximations of Finite Sums.
Euler-Maclaurin Summation.
Bivariate Asymptotics.
Laplace Method.
“Normal” Examples from the Analysis of Algorithms.
“Poisson” Examples from the Analysis of Algorithms.
Generating Function Asymptotics.

5. Trees.
Binary Trees.
Trees and Forests.
Properties of Trees.
Tree Algorithms.
Binary Search Trees.
Average Path Length in Catalan Trees.
Path Length in Binary Search Trees.
Additive Parameters of Random Trees.
Summary of Average-Case Results on Properties of Trees.
Representations of Trees and Binary Trees.
Unordered Trees.
Labelled Trees.
Other Types of Trees.

6. Permutations.
Basic Properties of Permutations.
Algorithms on Permutations.
Representations of Permutations.
Enumeration Problems.
Analyzing Properties of Permutations with CGFs.
Inversions and Insertion Sorts.
Left-to-Right Minima and Selection Sort.
Cycles and In Situ Permutation.
Extremal Parameters.

7. Strings and Tries.
String Searching.
Combinatorial Properties of Bitstrings.
Regular Expressions.
Finite-State Automata and Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm.
Context-Free Grammars.
Trie Algorithms.
Combinatorial Properties of Tries.
Larger alphabets.

8. Words and Maps.
Hashing with Separate Chaining.
Basic Properties of Words.
Birthday Paradox and Coupon Collector Problem.
Occupancy Restrictions and Extremal Parameters.
Occupancy Distributions.
Open Addressing Hashing.


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