作者 : James D.Foley,Andries van Dam,Steven K.Feiner,John F.Hughes,Richard L. Phillips
丛书名 : 经典原版书库
出版日期 : 2002-06-01
ISBN : 7-111-10343-2
定价 : 88.00元
语种 : 英文
页数 : 1276
开本 : 16开
原书名 : Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice 2E in C
原出版社: Addison-Wesley
属性分类: 教材
包含CD :
绝版 : 已绝版

By uniquely combining current concepts and practical applications in computer graphics, four well-known authors provide in Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date coverage of the field. The important algorithms in 3D and 3D graphics are detailed for easy implementation, including a close look at he more subtle special cases. There is also a thorough presentation of the mathematical principles of the mathematical principles of geometric transformations and viewing.
  In this book, the authors explore multiple perspectives on computer graphics: the user's, the application programmer's, the package implementer's, and the hardware designer's. For example, the issues of user-centered design are expertly addressed in three chapters on interaction techniques, dialogue design, and user interface software. Hardware concerns are examined in a chapter, contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, on advanced architectures for real-time,high-performance graphics.


Interactive graphics is a field whose time has come. Until recently it was an esoteric specialty involving expensive display hardware, substantial computer resources, and idiosyncratic software. In the last few years, however, it has benefited from the steady and sometimes even spectacular reduction in the hardware price/performance ratio (e.g., personal computers for home or office with their standard graphics terminals),and from the development of high-level, device-independent graphics packages that help make graphics programming rational and straightforward. Interactive graphics is new finally ready to fulfill its promise to provide us with pictorial communication and thus to become a major facilitator of man/machine interaction. (From Preface, Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, James Foley and Andries van Dam,1982)
  This assertion that computer graphics had finally arrived was made before the revolution in computer culture sparked by Apple's Macintosh and the IBM PC and its clones. Now even preschool children are comfortable with interactive-graphics techniques, such as the desktop metaphor for window manipulation and menu and icon selection with a mouse.Graphics-based user interfaces have made productive users of neophytes, and the desk without its graphics computer is increasingly rare.
  At the same time that interactive graphics has become common in user interfaces and visualization of data and objects, the rendering of 3D objects has become dramatically more realistic, as evidenced by the ubiquitous computer-generated commercials and movie special effects. Techniques that were experimental in the early eighties are now standard practice, and more remarkable "photorealistic'' effects are around the corner. The simpler kinds of pseudorealism, which took hours of computer time per image in the early eighties,now are done routinely at animation rates (ten or more frames/second) on personal computers. Thus "real-time" vector displays in 1981 showed moving wire-frame objects made of tens of thousands of vectors without hidden-edge removal; in l990 real-time raster displays can show not only the same kinds of line drawings but also moving objects coHsed of as many as one hundred thousand triangles rendered with Gouraud or Phong shading and specular highlights and with full hidden-surface removal. The highest-pewtance systems provide real-time texture mapping, antialiasing, atmospheric attenuation for fog and haze, and other advanced effects.
  Graphics software standards have also advanced significantly since our first edition.The SIGGRAPH Core '79 package, on which the first edition's SGP package was based,has all but disappeared, along with direct-view storage tube and refresh vector displays. The much more powerful PHIGS package, supporting storage and editing of structure hierarchy,has become an official ANSI and ISO standard, and it is widely availab1e for real-time geometric graphics in scientific and engineering applications, along With PHIGS+, which supports lighting, shading, curves, and surfaces. Official graphics standards complement lower-level. more efficient de facto standards, such as Apple's QuickDraw, X Window System's Xlib 2D integer raster graphics package, and Silicon Graphics' GL 3D library.Also widely available are implementations of Pixar's RenderMan interface for photorealis-tic rendering and PostScript interpreters for hardcopy page and screen image description.Better graphics software has been used to make dramatic improvements in the "look and feel"of user interfaces, and we may expect increasing use of 3D effects, both for aesthetic reasons and for providing new metaphors for organizing and presenting, and navigating through information.
  Perhaps the most important new movement in graphics is the increasing concern for modeling objects, not just for creating their pictures. Furthermore, interest is growing in describing the time-varying geometry and behavior of 3D objects. Thus graphics is increasingly concerned with simulation, animation, and a "back to physics" movement in both modeling and rendering in order to create objects that look and behave as realistically as possible.
  As the tools and capabilities available become more and more sophisticated and complex, we need to be able to apply them effectively. Rendering is no longer the bottleneck. Therefore researchers are beginning to apply artificial-intelligence techniques to assist in the design of object models, in motion planning, and in the layout of effective 2D and 3D graphical presentations.
  Today the frontiers of graphics are moving very rapidly, and a text that sets out to be a standard reference work must periodically be updated and expanded. This book is almost a total rewrite of the Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, and although this second edition contains nearly double the original 623 pages, we remain painfully aware of how much material we have been forced to omit.
  Major differences from the first edition include the following:
  The vector-graphics orientation is replaced by a raster orientation.
  The simple 2D floating-point graphics package (SGP) is replaced by two packages-SRGP and SPHIGS--that reflect the two major schools of interactive graphics programming. SRGP combines features of the QuickDraw and Xlib 2D integer raster graphics packages. SPHIGS, based on PHIGS, provides the fundamental features of a 3D floating-point package with hierarchical display lists. We explain how to do applications programming in each of these packages and show how to implement the basic clipping,scan-conversion, viewing, and display list traversal algorithms that underlie these systems.
  User-interface issues are discussed at considerable length, both for 2D desktop metaphors and for 3D interaction devices.
  Coverage of modeling is expanded to include NURB (nonuniform rational B-spline)curves and surfaces, a chapter on solid modeling, and a chapter on advanced modeling techniques, such as physically based modeling, procedural models, fractals, L-grammar Systems, and particle systems.
  Increased coverage of rendering includes a detailed treatment of antialiasing and greatly expanded chapters on visible-surface determination, illumination, and shading, including phyically based illumination models, ray tracing, and radiosity.
  Material is added on advanced raster graphics architectures and algorithms, including clipping and scan-conversion of complex primitives and simple image-processing operations, such as compositing.
  A brief introduction to animation is added.
  This text can be used by those without prior background in graphics and only some background in Pascal programming, basic data structures and algorithms, computer architecture, and simple linear algebra. An appendix reviews the necessary mathematical foundations. The book covers enough material for a full-year course, but is partitioned into groups to make selective coverage possible. The reader, therefore, can progress through a carefully designed sequence of units, starting with simple, generally applicable fundamentals and ending with more complex and specialized subjects.
  Basic Group. Chapter l provides a historical perspective and some fundamental issues in hardware, software, and applications. Chapters 2 and 3 describe, respectively, the use and the implementation of SRGP, a simple 2D integer graphics package. Chapter 4 introduces graphics hardware, including some hints about how to use hardware in implementing the operations described in the preceding chapters. The next two chapters, 5 and 6, introduce the ideas of transformations in the plane and 3-space, representations by matrices* the use of homogeneous coordinates to unify linear and affine transformations, and the description of 3D views, including the transformations from arbitrary view volumes to canonical view volumes. Finally, Chapter 7 introduces SPHIGS, a 3D floating-point hierarchical graphics pH that is a simplified version of the PHIGS standard, and describes its use in some basic modeling operations. Chapter 7 also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the hierarchy available in PHIGS and the structure of applications that use this graphics Package.
  User Interface Group. Chapters 8-l0 describe the current technology of interaction devices and then address the higher-level issues in user-interface design. Various popular user-interface paradigms are described and critiqued. In the final chapter user-interface software, such as window managers, interaction technique-libraries, and user-interface management systems, is addressed.
  Model Definition Group. The first two modeling chapters, 11 and l2, describe the current technologies used in geometric modeling: the representation of curves and surfaces by parametric functions, especially cubic splines, and the representation of solids by various techniques, including boundary representations and CSG models. Chapter l3 introduces the human color-vision system, various color-description systems, and conversion from one to another. This chapter also briefly addresses rules for the effective use of color.
  Image Syntbesis Group. Chapter l4, the first in a four-chapter sequence, describes the quest for realism from the earliest vector drawings to state-of the-art shaded graphics.The artifacts caused by aliasing are of crucial concern in raster graphics, and this chapter discusses their causes and cures in considerabIe detail by introducing the Fourier transform and convolution. Chapter l5 describes a variety of strategies for visible-surface deboination in enough detail to allow the reader to implement some of the most im-portant ones. Illumination and shading algorithms are covered in detail in Chapter l6.The early part of this chapter discusses algorithms most commonly found in current hardware, while the remainder treats texture, shadows, transparency, reflections, physical-ly based illumination models, ray tracing, and radiosity methods. The last chapter in this group, Chapter l7, describes both image manipulations, such as scaling, shearing,and rotating pixmaps, and image storage techniques, including various image-compres-sion schemes.
  Advanced Teckniques Group. The last four chapters give an overview of the current state of the art (a moving target, of course). Chapter l8 describes advanced graphics hardwar used in high-end commercial and research machines, this chapter was contributed by Steven Molnar and Henry Fuchs, authorities on high-performance graphics architec-tures. Chapter l9 describes the complex raster algorithms used for such tasks as scan-converting arbitary conics, generating antialiased text, and implementing page-description languages, such as PostScript. The final two chapters survey some of the most important techniques in the fields of high-level modeling and computer animation.
  The first two groups cover only eIementary material and thus can be used for a basic course at the undergraduate level. A follow-on course can then use the more advanced chapters. Alternatively, instructors can assemble customized courses by picking chapters out of the various groups.
  For example, a course designed to introduce students to primarily 2D graPhics would include Chapters l and 2, simple scan conversion and clipping from Chapter 3, a thehnology overview with emphasis on raster architectures and interaction devices from Chapter 4, homogeneous mathematics from Chapter 5, and 3D viewing only from a "how to use it" point of view from Sections 6. 1 to 6.3. The User Interface Group, Chapters 8-10, would be followed by seIected introductory sections and simple algorithms from the Image Synthesis Group, Chapters l4, l5, and l6.
  A one-course general overview of graphics would include Chapters l and 2, basic algorithms from Chapter 3, raster architectures and interaction devices from Chapter 4,Chapter 5, and most of Chapters 6 and 7 on viewing and SPHIGS. The second half of the course would include sections on modeling frOm Chapters l l and l3, on image synthesis from Chapters l4, l5, and l6, and on advanced modeling from Chapter 2O to give breadth of coverage in these slightly more advanced areas.
  A course emphasizing 3D modeling and rendering would start with Chapter 3 sections on scan converting, clipping of lines and polygons, and introducing antialiasing. The course would then progress to Chapters 5 and 6 on the basic mathematics of transforma-tions and viewing, Chapter 13 on color, and then cover the key Chapters l4, l5, and l6 in the Image Synthesis Group. Coverage would be rounded off by selections in surface and solid modeling, Chapter 20 on advanced modeling, and Chapter 21 on animation from the Advanced Techniques Group.
  Graphics Packnges. The SRGP and SPHIGS graphics packages, designed by David Sklar, coauthor of the two chapters on these packages, are available from the publishe for the IBM PC (ISBN 0-20l-54700-7), the Macintosh (ISBN O-20l-5470l-5), and UNIX workstations running Xll, as are many of the algorithms for scan conversion, clipping, and viewing (see page ll75).
  Acknowledgments. This book could not have been produced without the dedicated werk and the indulgence of many friends and colleagues. We acknowledge here our debt to those who have contributed stenificantly to one or more chapters; many others have helped by commenting on individual chapters, and we are grateful to them as well. We regret any inadvrtent omissions. Katrina Avery and Lyn Dupre did a superb job of editing. Additional valuable editing on multiple versions of multiple chapters was provided by Debbie van Dam, Melissa Gold, and Clare Campbel. We are especially grateful to our production supervisor, Bette Aarenson, our art director, Joe Vetere, and our editor, Keith Wollman,not only for their great help in producing the book, but also for their patience and good humor under admitted1y adverse circumstance-if we ever made a promised deadline during these frantic five years, we can't remehiber it!
  Computer graphics has become too complex for even a team of four main authors and three guest authors to be expert in all areas. We relied on colleagues and students to amplify our knowledge, cateh our mistakes and provide constructive criticism of form and content.We take full responsibility for any remaining sins of omission and commission. Detailed technical reedings on one or more chapters were provided by John Airey, Kurt Akeley, Tom Banchoff, Brian Barsky, David Bates, Cliff Beshers, Gare Bishop, Peter Bono, Marvin Bunker, Bill Buxton, Edward Chang, Norman Chin, Michael F. Cohen, William Cowan,John Dennis, Tom Dewald, Scott Drares, Steve Drucke, Tom Duff, Richnd Economy,David Ellswort, Nick England, Jeny bol, Robin Forrest, Alain Fournier, Alan Freiden,Christina Gibbs, Melissa Gold, Mark Green, Cathleen Greenberg, Margaret Hagen, Griff Hamlin, fut foran, Jobn Heidema, Rob Jacob, Abid Kamran, Mike Kappel, Henry Kaufman, Karen Kendler, David Kuriander, David Laidlaw, Keith Lantz, Hsien-Che Lee,Aaron Marcus, Neson Max, Deborah Mayhew, Barbara Meier, Gary Meye, Jim Michener, Jakob Nielsen, Mat Nodine, Randy Pausch, Ari Requicha, David Rosenthal,David Salesin, Hanan Samet, James Sanford, James Sargent, Robin Schaufler, Robert Scheiner, John Schnizlein, Michael Shantzis, Ben Shneiderman, Ken Shoemake, Judith Schrier, John Sibert, Dave Simons, Jonathan Steinhart, Maureen Stone, Paul Strauss, Seth Tager, Peter Tanner, Brice Tebbs, Ben Trumbore, Yi Tso, Greg Turk, Jeff Vroom, Colin Ware, Gary Watkins, Chuck Weger, Kevin Weiler, Turner Whitted, George Wolberg, and Larry wolff.
  Seveal colleagues, including Jack Bresenham, Brian Barsky, Jeny Van Aken, Dilip Da Silva (who suggested the uniform midpoint treatment of Chapter 3) and Don Hatfield,not only read chapthe closely but also provided detailed suggestions on algorithms.Welcome word-processing relief was provided by Katrina Avery, Barbara Britten, Clare Campbel, Tina Cantor, Joyce Cavatoni, Louisa Hogan, Jenni Rodda, and Debbie van Dam. Drawings for Chapters l--3 for ably created by Dan Robbins, Scott Snibbe, Tina Cantor,and Clare Campbell. Figure and image sequences created for this book were provided by Beth Cobb, David Kuriander, Allen beth, and George Wolberg (with assistance from Peter Karp). Plates II.2l--37, showing a progression of rendering techniques, were designed and rendered at Pixar by Thomas Wlliarns and H.B. Siegel, under the direction of M.W. Mantle, using Pixar's PhotoRealistic RenderMan sofware. Thanks to Industrial Light & Magic for the use of their lase scanner to create Plates II.24--37, and to Norman Chin for computing Vertex normals for color Plates II.30-32. L. Lu and cares castellsague wrote programs to make figures.
  Jeff Vogel implemented the algorithms of Chapter 3, and he and Atul Butte verified the nde in Chapters 2 and 7. David Sklar wrote the Mac and Xll implementations of SRGP and SPHIGS with help hom Ron Balsys, Scott Boyaian, Atul Butte, Alex Contovounesios,and Scott Draves. Randy Pausch and his students ported the packages to the PC environment.
  We have installed an automated electronic mail server to allow our readers to obtain twine-readab1e copies of many of the algorithms, suggest exercises, report errors in the text and in SRGP/SPHIGS, and obtain errata lists for the text and software. Send email to "graphtext @ cs.brown.edu" with a Subject line of "Help" to receive the current list of available services. (See page ll75 for information on how to order SRGP and SPHIGS.)


James D.Foley,Andries van Dam,Steven K.Feiner,John F.Hughes,Richard L. Phillips:James D.Foley: James D. Foley(密歇根大学博士)是美国佐治亚理工学院计算机科学系和电子工程系教授,图形学、可视化及可用性研究中心主任、创始人。他和Andries van Dam一起是《Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics》一书的作者。他是ACM、ACM SIGGRAPH、ACM SIGCHI、the Human Factors Society、IEEE、IEEE 计算机学会会员、《ACM Transactions on Graphics》主编。《Computers and Graphics》和许多著名杂志的编委。研究领域是用户界面设计环境(UIDE,一种基于模型的用户界面开发工具)、用户界面软件、信息可视化、多媒体和用户界面中的人的因素。他还是IEEE会员,Phi Beta Kappa、Tau Beta Pi和Sigma Xi的成员。
Andries van Dam: Andries van Dam(宾夕法尼亚大学博士)是美国布朗大学计算机科学系创始人和首任系主任,目前是L. Herbert Ballou大学和布朗大学计算机科学系教授,BLOC Development 和 Electronic Book Technologies公司的高级顾问科学家,ShoGraphics和Microsoft公司的技术顾问委员会成员,IEEE 计算机学会会员和ACM会员,也是 ACM SIGGRAPH创始人之一。van Dam帮助创建了《Computer Graphics and Image Processing》和《ACM Transactions on Graphics》杂志,并曾任其编辑。他和James Foley一起是《Funda mentals of Interactive Computer Graphics》一书的作者,和David Niguidula一起是《Pascal on the Macintosh: A Graphical Approach》一书的作者。已发表了80余篇论文。1984年获IEEE Centennial Medal奖,1988年获罗得岛州政府的科学技术奖,1990年获NCGA学术奖;1991年获SIGGRAPH Steven A. Coons奖。他的研究领域包括超媒体、电子书和用于教学研究的高性能工作站。
Steven K.Feiner: 于布朗大学获得博士学位,是哥伦比亚大学计算机科学系副教授,负责计算机图形学组。他也是ACM SIGGRAPH和IEEE计算机学会成员。
John F.Hughes: 于加州大学伯克利分校获得博士学位,是布朗大学计算机科学和数学系教授,他与[URL=/Authors/ShowAuthors.aspx?AuthorID=43]Andries van Dam[/URL]共同负责计算机图形学组。他也是ACM SIGGRAPH和IEEE计算机学会成员。
Richard L. Phillips: 于密歇根大学获得博士学位,是密歇根大学电子与计算机工程系退休教授。他现在是Los Alamos国家实验室科学家,也是ACM和IEEE成员。


l.l Image Processing as Picture Analysis
l.2 The Advantages of Interactive Graphics
l.3 Representative Uses of Computer Graphics
l.4 Classification of Applications
l.5 Development of Hardwar and Softwar for Computer Graphics
1.6 Conceptual Framework for Interactive Graphics
l.7 Summary
2.l Drawing with SRGP
2.2 Basic Interaction Handling
2.3 Raster Graphics Features
2.4 Limitations of SRGP
2.5 Summary
3.l Overview
3.2 Scan Converting Lines
3.3 Scan Converting Circles
3.4 Scan Converting Ellipses
3.5 Filling Rectangles
3.6 Filling Polygons
3.7 Filling Ellipse Arcs
3.8 Dettem Filling
3.9 Thick Primitives
3.l0 Line Style and Pen Style,
3.11 Clipping in a Raster World
3.l2 Clipping Lines
3.l3 Clipping Circles and ElliPses
3.l4 Clipping Poygons
3.15 Generating Charaters
3.l6 SRGP_xoPyPixel
3.l7 Antialiasing
3.l8 Summare
4. l HardcoPy WnOlogies
4.2 Display Technologies
4.3 Raster-Scan Display Systems
4.4 The Video ContrOler
4.5 Random-Scan Disp1ay Processor
4.6 Input Devices for Operaor Interaction
4.7 Image Scanners
5. l 2D Transformations
5.2 HomogCneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of
2D Transformations
5.3 Composition of 2D Transformations
5.4 The Window-to-Viewport Transformation
5.5 Efficiency
5.6 Matrix Repreentation of 3D Transformations
5.7 Composition of 3D Transformations
5.8 Transformations as a Change in Coordinate System
6.l Projections
6.2 Specifying an Arbitrary 3D View
6.3 Examples of 3D Viewing
6.4 The Mathematics of Planar Geometric Projections
6.5 Implementing Planar Geometric Proections
6.6 Coordinate Systems
7.l Geometric Modeling
7.2 Characteristics of Retained-Mode Graphics forkages
7.3 Defining and DisPlaying Structures
7.4 Modeling Transformations
7.5 Hierarehical Structure Netwnrks
7.6 Matrix Composition in Display Traversal
7.7 AppearanCe-Attribute Handling in Hierarchy
7.8 Screen Updating and Rendering Modes
7.9 Structure Network Editing for Dynamic Etttcts
7.l0 Interaction
7.ll Additional Output Features
7.l2 Implementation Issues
7.l3 Optimizing Display of Hierarhical Models
7.l4 Limitations of Hierarchical Modeling in PHIGS
7.l5 Alternative Forms of Hierarchical Modeling
7.16 Summary
8.l Interaction Hardwar
8.2 Basic Interaction Tasks
8.3 Composite Interaction Tasks
9.1 The Form and Content of User-Computer Dialogues
9.2 User-Interface Styles
9.3 Important Design Considerations
9.4 Modes and Syntax
9.5 Visua1 Deign
9.6 The Design Methodology
l0.l Basic Interation-Handling Models
l0.2 Window-Management Systems
10.3 Output Handling in Wndow Systems
l0.4 Input Handling in Window Systems
l0.5 Interaction-Tpehnique Toolkits
l0.6 M-Interface Management Systems
ll.l Polygon Meshes
ll.2 Metric Cubic Curves
ll.3 Metric Bicubic Surfaces
ll.4 Quadric Surfaces
ll.5 Summary
l2.l Representing Solids
l2.2 Regularized Boolean Set Operations
l2.3 Primitive Instancing
l2.4 Sweep Representations
l2.5 Boundary Representations
l2.6 Spatial-Pwtitioning Representations
l2.7 Constructive Solid Geomeny
l2.8 Comparison of Representatinns
12.9 User Interfaccs for Solid ModeIing
l2.l0 Summary
13.l Achromatic Light
l3.2 Chromatic Color
l3.3 Color Models for Raster Graphics
l3.4 Reproducing Color
l3.5 Using Color in Computer Graphics
l3.6 Summary
l4.l Why Realism
l4.2 Fundamental Difficulties
l4.3 Rendering Techniques for Line Drawings
l4.4 Rendering Techniques for Shaded Images
l4.5 Improved Object Models
l4.6 Dynamics
l4.7 StereoPsis
l4.8 Improved Displays
l4.9 Interating with Our Other Senses
14.l0 Aliasing and Antialiasing
l4.ll Summny
l5.l Functions of Twn Variables
l5.2 TeChniques for Efficient Visible-Surface Algorithms
15.3 Algorithms for Visible-Line Determination
l5.4 The z-Buffer Algorithm
l5.5 List-Priority Algorithms
l5.6 Scan-Line Algorithms
l5.7 Area-SuIXlivision Algorithms
l5.8 AlgOrithms for Octrees
l5.9 AlgOrithms for Curved Surfaces
l5.l0 VisibIe-Surface Ray Tracing
l5.l1 Summny
l6.l Illumination Models
l6.2 Shading Models for Polygons
l6.3 Surface Detail
l6.4 Shadows
l6.5 Wsparency
l6.6 Interobect Reflections
l6.7 Physically Based Illumination Models
l6.8 Extended Light Sources
l6.9 Spectral Sampling
l6.l0 Improving the Camera Model
l6.ll Global Illumination Algorithms
l6.l2 Recursive Ray Tracing
l6.l3 Radiosity Methods
l6.l4 The Rendering Pipeline
l6.l5 Summary
l7.l What Is an Image
l7.2 Filtering
l7.3 Image Processing
l7.4 Geometric Transformations of Images
l7.5 Multipass Transformations
I7.6 Image Compositing
l7.7 Mechanisms for Image Storage
l7.8 SPecial Effects with Images
l7.9 Summary
l8.l SimpIe Raster-Disp1ay System
18.2 Display-Processor Systems
l8.3 Standard Graphics Pipeline
l8.4 Introduction to Multiprocessing
l8.5 PipeIine Front-End Architectures
l8.6 ParalIel Front-End Architectures
l8.7 Multiprocessor Rasterization Architectures
l8.8 Image-Parallel Rasterization
l8.9 Object-Parallel Rasterization
l8.l0 Hybrid-Parallel Rasterization
l8.ll Enhanced Display Capabilities
l8.12 Summary
l9.l Clipping
19.2 Scan-Converting Primitives
l9.3 Antialiasing
l9.4 The Special Problems of Text
I9.5 Fil1ing Algorithms
19.6 Making copyPixel Fast
l9.7 The Shape Data Structure and Shape Algebra
19.8 Managing Windows with bitBlt
19.9 Page-Description Languages
l9.10 Summary
20.l Extensions of Previous Techniques
20.2 Procedural Models
20.3 Fractal Models
20.4 Grammar-Based Models
20.5 Particle Systems
20.6 Volume Rendering
20.7 Physically Based Modeling
20.8 Special Models for Natural and Synthetic Objects
20.9 Automating Object Placement
20.l0 Summary
2l.l Conventional and Computer-Assisted Animation
2l.2 Animation Languages
2l.3 Methods of Controlling Animation
2l.4 Basic Rules of Animation
2l.5 Mlems Peculiar to Animation
2l.6 Summary
A.l Vector Spaces and Affine Spaces
A.2 Some Standard Constructions in Vector Spaces
A.3 Dot Mucts and Distances
A.4 Matrices
A.5 Linear and Affine Transformations
A.6 Eisenvalues and Eigenvectors
A.7 Newton-Raphson Iteration for Root Finding

作者: (荷)Gerard Tel
作者: John E. Hopcroft;Rajeev Motwani;Jeffrey D. Ullman
作者: (美)David A. Patterson;John L. Hennessy 著
作者: [美]丹·C. 马里恩斯库(Dan C. Marinescu) 著
作者: [美] 菲利普 G.伊佐特 (Phillip G.Ezolt) 著
作者: 华诚科技 编著
作者: 华诚科技 编著
作者: [美] 伊丽莎白·A.斯蒂芬(Elizabeth A. Stephan)大卫·R.鲍曼(David R. Bowman) 威廉·J.帕克(William J. Park) 本杰明·L.西尔(Benjamin L. Sill) 马修·W.奥兰(Matthew W. Ohland) 著